Yes, You Can File a Judicial Conduct or Disability Complaint Against a Federal Judge
You don’t need a law degree but you do need to learn how the system works
Our Constitution starts with “We the People” and the Founding Fathers knew there would be corruption wherever it could rear its ugly head.
Federal judges are appointed by Presidents - but that hardly means you have no recourse if the appointee turns out to be a bum judge.
It IS a process as is anything in our legislative and judicial branches - but filing a complaint against a Federal judge can be successfully accomplished.
A page on the U.S. Courts website contains questions and answers to assist you with filing a complaint alleging a federal judge has committed misconduct or has a disability that interferes with the performance of their judicial duties.
The Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 (“Act”), 28 U.S.C. §§ 351–364, and the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings (“Rules”) (PDF), as amended on March 12, 2019, govern this complaint process.
You will likely want to consult the Act and the Rules before filing a complaint.
Please visit the website of the appropriate court office, as described in the Rules and in question 3, to determine whether local rules apply and to obtain a complaint form.
Please also see the graphical overview below (PDF available here) of the process for filing a judicial conduct or disability complaint against a federal judge.
Click the button below to view the information that reflects the requirements expressed in the Act and the Rules.
It does not amend or supersede the Act or the Rules in any manner.
As this can be very daunting for many, especially going it alone, we HIGHLY suggest you find others with the same complaints as you and work on this as a team.
Either way, you will have gained new friends who have the same judicial complaints as you.
As we tell anyone, a refusal to hear a complaint does not mean you have lost - it means you need to reassess what needs to be corrected in your strategy as well as keep pushing forward.
Set a goal to be rejected 100 times - then go at it again.
Doubt seriously you will hit 100 times…