
Why the Senate Needs to Address a Nasty Hic-Cup in the House TikTok Bill

When it comes to knowing your enemy, clarity is your best ally

It is incredible how many news sources talk about this bill and what is good or bad about it -and of the multiple sources we pulled up, NONE had a link to the bill, H.R. 7521

This is so indicative of the "Trust me, this is all you need to know" mindset and narrative control of the news media that has created many problems today.

Critical thinking used to be a daily art - today it is only found after much digging.

And why we don't trust the MSM nor the legacy Social Media (aka Big Tech).

Here is a link to that bill:

View House Bill H.R. 7521 - TikTok Ban

In our judgement, it passed too quickly with a roll call vote of 352-65

Normally that would be a reason to party and truthfully, we almost did.


We follow what Molly (McCann) Sanders has to say on the law and she has an excellent point.

Pull up that bill from the link above and the one section she says is far too nebulous is 2.g.1(C)

From what we perceive, it seems the one 2-letter word before this section needs to be changed from 'or' to 'and' and/or this section needs to be reconsidered by the Senate...

When identifying the enemy, it is very important to be very clear, not nebulous least you find the enemies of your friends turning their attention on to you.

She will walk you through the mindset of how this was constructed this bill and where everything falls apart and how in this video.

With our gratitude and thanks to Molly Sanders…

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