Why Islam Is NOT A Religion But A Theocracy
And why so many are having a difficult time dealing with reality - by Garrett O'Brien
Where Did the Term ‘Islamophobia’ Originate?
The term Islamophobia was conjured up by the radical Muslims to divert attention from their real agenda - using the same strategy and tactics the DNC embraced by utilizing Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
That Islam is a religion and not a race is a fallacy - but not for the reasons many think…
How Religions Function In a Free Nation
Religions operate and function parallel (and sometimes, head-butting) with their representing governments.
For the most part, citizens of a state may choose to obey or ignore what their religious leaders say and order.
How Theocracies Function In Their Nation
Theocracies operate and function both as the head of the beliefs as well as the final order of all things.
Without exception, citizens of a Theocratic state
have to obey everything the leaders of their religion say and order or
face very dire consequences.
In Islam’s case, the consequences are usually death, if not a severe beating or a lost limb.
Per Merriam-Websters dictionary (not our preferred dictionary), a theocracy is:
1. a government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided
2. a state governed by a theocracy (defined here [archive])
This makes Islam a theocracy and not a religion…
Religions have never been looked upon as the governing body of any state throughout history - even when religion ruled equally with their king or queen.
Religion may have influenced the king or queen, but the final decisions always rested upon the king or queen - not so with theocracies.
The Gist of The Confusion Today
All the above applies, that is until we have had liberal-leaning teachers and professors in the last 30-plus years who believe they can dictate what reality is and isn’t.
As a result,
many hardly even know what a theocracy is and its inherent dangers not only to the people of that nation but to every nation around it
many believe they know what liberty and freedom are all about and mistakenly tag it as a Democracy, failing to realize a Democracy is mob rule (50%+1) that is subject to the most fickle of human traits: feelings…
For both Liberty and freedom to continue existing in their most natural state requires a nation that humbles itself as well as respects and honors God - our Founding Fathers even noted that the Constitution would only work as long as our nation remained God-fearing.
Without God, not only is religion dead, but so is our nation - any nation.
Liberal teachers and professors have softened non-critical thinking minds into believing whatever the professor desires them to believe instead of learning to critically think of what is truth and what is reality- they even mock reality as fake and theirs as truth.
The problem is, reality is like any lion - it will sit under the hot sun and let everyone and every animal think it is asleep or even dead…
Until one day it stands up and then kills every breathing thing around it that doesn’t respect its presence.
And lately, reality is only just starting to wake up - the fun of it standing up has not yet begun…
This post was originally published on 25 April 2017 in DecisiveLiberty.News (archive)