Why Is There No Greater Myth Than That Of Being Palestinian? Part 2 Of 3
Confronting the phantom history of the so-called Palestinians - by Peter A. Baum
You Can’t Ignore History;
You Can’t Escape It Even If You Want To.
You Might As Well Know Where You Come From,
And You Might As Well Know That
Everything Has Been Done In Some Shape Or Form.
Frank Gehry’s quote reminds us that most fail to learn their own true history, opting instead to listen to voices that tell them what to think.
This is unfortunate, as the pain they avoid early on will morph into a wall of terrible pain once the truth is unavoidable.
» You can view Part 1 by clicking here…
Confronting Historical Claims
Now let’s confront the historical claims and if anything these are easier to debunk than the religious claims in Part One.
Experience of debating with hostile opposition leads me to believe that the most effective way of trashing such historical claims is by asking the following…
What language do the indigenous Palestinians speak? The answer to this is always Arabic. If this is the answer, then we proceed thus…
As there is no phonetic sound for the letter ‘P’ in Arabic, what did the indigenous Palestinians call themselves? This stuns the most anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic, pro-Palestinian opponents. Those that have an IQ above that of a retarded amoeba will answer Fellastinian.
This is an interesting one because you then have an option.
Option 1 is to tell them that Fellastinian is the Arabic equivalent of Philistinians who ceased to exist circa 1200 BC and came from the Greek Islands and Asia Minor – the name derived from the Hebrew Pleshtim or ‘sea invaders’ so perhaps Corfu or Crete should be the designated territory of the Palestinians.
Option 2 is to demand the name and date of any Palestinian or Fellastinian war or battle fought by these indigenous peoples against various invaders such as the Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, Umayyads, Kurds, Crusaders, and Ottomans.
While they are thinking add-in ‘and who was their leader’….. you are assured of a non-response.
Thereafter, to rub salt into the wound, you may want to ask them to identify a building constructed by either indigenous Palestinians or Fellastinians during a similar historical period.
There are none, of course.
So again, from a historical perspective, the indigenous Palestinians or Fellastinians are mythical.
The usual ploy of defeated opposition in this instance is to question a Jewish presence.
One just points to BarKochba, the Maccabees, Saladdin Jewish recruits, and Napoleons too.
Regarding buildings Ts’fat, Hebron, Galilee, and Caesarea will suffice.
Thus we have another public relations win and exposed the historical myth with evidence of neither a Palestinian nor Fellastinian presence.
Now even though we have exposed the case of the opposition we go in for the kill by pointing out the following –
Historical evidence of travelers through history never identified an indigenous Palestinian or Fellastinian presence.
Webbe, Shaw, Thackeray, James Finn, Twain, BW Johnson, and the photographic evidence of Elmandorf and Kahn support this beyond doubt.
If anything, the name associated with Palestinians is more connected to Judaism such as the Palestine Post, the Anglo Palestine Bank, and the Palestine Wine Company among other such Jewish businesses and organizations.
Confirmation, if any were needed, can be found in the essays of the modern Arab historians Hitti and Farah who both scoff at the idea of indigenous Palestinians.
Ahmed Shukan, Arab League Ambassador to the U.N., acknowledged there’s no such thing as Palestine Even 2 original members of the PLO, Shoebat, and Muhsein, in interviews noted the term and claims to Palestine had no history and were purely political for a land grab and the extermination of Jews.
Who is the political opposition to argue with such eminent writers, historians, politicians, photographers, and fighters?
image: the founding of Tel Aviv (GPO)…
Arab Historian Admits There Are No Palestinian People Judith Bergman 09/11/2017 (archive)
When Ottoman rule ended,
there was no Palestinian national identity or political borders.
It was all made up later.
Arabs themselves say so, but the West isn’t listening
Ironically, as noted below, the true ethnic cleansing in the geographical area was that of the Arabs and the forced removal, murders, and theft of assets of Jews from those countries.
Unsurprisingly, no nation, media channel, or NGO outside of the secure haven of Israel has ever attempted to expose these atrocities.
Click here to view the archive of the following post…
Let’s Just Expose Some Quotes…
Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian 1946.
There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not.
Ahmed Shukan, Representative of Saudi Arabia at the UN 1956
It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria
Zuhair Mushin, military commander of the PLO and member of the PLO Executive Council, De Trouwve magazine March 1977
There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrian and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity…yes the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian State is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel.
Fathi Hamid, Hamas Minister of the Interior, March 23 2012 on Egyptian Al – Hikma TV
… every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots – whether from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, from anywhere. We have blood ties. So where is your affection and mercy? Personally, all my family is Egyptian. We are like that..the other half Saudi. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri whose roots are Egyptian. They may be from Alexandria or Cairo, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptian Arabs, Muslims
Syrian dictator Hafez Assad to the PLO leader Yassir Arafat, September 2001.
You do not represent Palestine. Never forget this one point. There is no such thing as a Palestinian people nor entity, there is only Syria.
Walid Shoebat, a reformed Palestinian politician
As I lived in Palestine, everyone I knew could trace their heritage back to the original country their great grandparents came from. Everyone knew their origin was not from the Canaanites but ironically this is the kind of stuff our education in the Middle East included. The fact is that today’s Palestinians are immigrants from the surrounding nations. I grew up well knowing the history and origins of today’s Palestinians as being from Yemen. Saudi, Morocco, Christians from Greece, Muslim Sherkas from Russia, from Bosnia, and the Jordanians. My grandfather who was a dignitary in Bethlehem almost lost his life to Abdul Qader Al Husseni the leader of the revolution after selling land to Jews.
In Part 3, Peter gets into the numbers that support the Palestine myth (view Part 3 by clicking here)…
originally published 21-February-2019 on DecisiveLiberty.News (archive)
About Peter A. Baum
Currently the International Political Affairs Editor to WeeklyBlitz.net, Peter is a research scholar and pro-Israel activist who challenges the fake news narrative on Israel, Holocaust, Zionism, the Middle East, Anti-Semitism, and racial issues by providing well-documented content and references to original source documents which uncover their fakery.
You can find Peter regularly contributing to the subject matter through written articles, TV appearances, and lectures.
Peter was chairman of Southend Young Conservatives, a founding member of Southend Friends of Israel, and is currently a delegate on the Board of Deputies and Executive Council member of Fair Reporting.
Peter also writes for several newspapers and research global organizations, including the Gatestone Institute.