Where the 97% FICTIONAL COVID Hysteria Began...
Italy’s suspected COVID death tally was corrected from 132,161 to 3,783
3,783 of the original 132,161 makes the new total less than 3% of the originally reported deaths...
ICYMI - since its arrival, whenever a person died of COVID they were registered to have died OF COVID. This is substantiated by dozens of early videos (mid-to-late 2020) of nurses who were blowing the whistle on their profession.
Also, buried in their site, the CDC even notes that the numbers were as much as 94% over-inflated from this protocol - seems they knew more than they were letting on as they are the margin of error of Italy's number of 97.2% (3.2% difference)...
What ELSE is buried in the CDC site???
Researchers and investigative citizen journalists with advanced search skills are already digging this up...
From the link below…
Unethical, inhumane practices
have been implemented in medical systems worldwideEver since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a worldwide pandemic of SARS-CoV-2, medical systems around the world have handled hospitalized patients differently.
Patients with any sort of respiratory symptom were isolated and separated from family members.
“Out of an abundance of caution,” hospital systems made vague diagnoses, classifying anyone “suspected of COVID” as an official case of SARS-CoV-2.
These patients were viewed as highly contagious vectors of disease that should be isolated and put on mechanical ventilation.
Efficacious treatments were bypassed. [archive]
People dying on ventilators were classified as COVID deaths “when COVID could not be ruled out as the primary cause of their death.
Our research had confirmed late last year that it was NOT covid that was killing anyone dying WITH covid but the hospital protocols plus the medical payouts of NIAH, NIH, WEF, and WHO that contributed to the high count as seen in our series on coronavirus