What Is the "Declaration of North America" and Why Should You Be Concerned?
Notice "DEI" was placed first.
This is a full-on Communist/Marxist idea and it is #1 on their list.
What you need to know is this…
The NWO cannot be ushered in as long as ANY country offers Liberty
ANY country…
If you read our post about multi-polarity and geopolitics, Central and South America: What’s Next?, then you know North America is not included in the plans Lula and his NWO cohorts of Latin American leaders are looking to to accomplish in the near future.
If you have NOT read the What’s Next post, we highly suggest you do…
Enter the “Declaration of North America”
Biden, Obrador, and Trudeau are looking to extend that “space” south of us into out continent, into our country.
They are trying to usher in the first-step towards a NWO in North America.
They following will happen IF they are successful…
There will be no continent.
There will be no country of Mexico, Canada, nor the USA.
The same for every country in Central and South America - there will be NO countries.
Killing of nation-states isn’t a conspiracy theory, this isn’t a perhap-ers…
This is being organized NOW…
More on this shortly…