What Happens When the CEO of the Favorite Tool of Every Geopolitician, Military, and Spy Agency Gets Arrested?

Mike Benz on the GEOpolitical ramifications of Macron arresting Durov

So what happens when the CEO of the favorite tool of every geopolitician gets arrested?

You get everyone thanking Macron for gumming up the grease factory…


It’s been 51 days since French people voted Macron’s government out and STILL no new PM - why is this being added in here? It’s indicative of Macron's inability to be decisive, relying instead only on emotionally based self-serving decisions.

Synopsis of What Is Happening to Social Media

You are looking for an investment

Someone suggests real estate - a multi-apartment large building

You purchase said multi-apartment large building

Your tenants are happy and feel secure in your building

As you are growing and adding on to the said multi-apartment large building, the local, state, and federal police as well as several alphabet security government agencies demand they have a microphone in select apartments of your building - you know eventually that it will be all the apartments of your building.

By the way, you and your family members also live in that building

How stupid are you going to be?

Like Meta, Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft studied (and others)?

Or wise are you going to be - like Telegram?

Many quote Ben Franklin’s liberty and safety expression in such circumstances but fail to realize there is also a cost.

If there is no personal privacy and liberty, there is none at all - national security has the resources and the budget to do its work elsewhere.

We MUST suffer the hazards and mischiefs of any level of warfare rather than give up essential liberty for the sake of government-sanctioned safety.

No cacoon is safe from any such warfare, no promise is worth the loss of liberty as once any part of liberty is defaulted then all of liberty eventually crumbles into the heap of our past.

“As to the other two acts, (i.e. 16. The American admiralty courts reduced to the same powers they have in England, and the acts establishing them to be reënacted in America; and 17. All powers of internal legislation in the colonies to be disclaimed by Parliament) the Massachusetts (sic) must suffer all the hazards and mischiefs of war rather than admit the alteration of their charters and laws by Parliament.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

~Bnejamin Franklin