We've Been Down This Road Before
We as a People Must Act and Act NOW - Starting with Ourselves...
Preserving Liberty requires intellectual and moral integrity…
Which is why it is imperative we win this war that is being waged upon us through our health, wallets, elections, judicial system, and our First and Second Amendments — the narrative of which the MSM, Big Tech, and Liberals have lost control.
That lost control is only a battle - we are still in a war with them.
Losing this war will result in the permanent loss of not only our Liberty but our country and any hope of maintaining a strong intellect and moral integrity that built it in the first place...
Thankfully, John Adams not only expressed the means in how we keep our Liberty but also the ways we can restore it should we find ourselves lapsed in protecting it..
However, it is entirely up to us - up to you - to make this happen…
No government has ever bothered with this level of intellect nor integrity, all governments are only bothered with their self-preservation - not ours, not yours.
Which means we need something bigger than the government who can be trusted, relied upon, and forever making their presence known - sometimes in a very bold yet miraculous manner, other times just by whispering.
Anyone who has read the Bible long enough understands God never delivers what we want on a silver platter - we are even introduced to the first man He created as one who is working, not laying around having servants all around him to take care of his flimsiest of wishes.
Liberty is defined by the Bible in multiple ways - the most definitive being found in 2 Corinthians 3:17…
… for where there is the Spirit of the Lord, there is Liberty*
Hence, Liberty - the spirit of God - must always be protected and maintained within man and within any sovereignty by cultivating both into each new generation; Liberty through intellect and moral integrity, God through a personal relationship with Him.
Which explains why the Globalists need to remove the Bible from our schools before they could conduct their systematic and destructive chipping away of our education system for the past 50+ years.
To restore our Liberty as our Founding Fathers as well as God intended it to be is going to take patience and time, persistent energy, and consistent effort…
Restoring intellectual and moral integrity will NOT happen overnight, but it can happen day-by-day, hour-by-hour, one encounter after another...
There are blessings to be had from restoring Liberty, many of which will be seen in short order, most of which will be passed on from generation to generation…
But ONLY IF we protect Liberty, maintain it, and cultivate it into each new generation through intellect and moral integrity as well as establishing a personal relationship with God as well…
Doing so will build our faith - and your faith - which will give us the courage to do what we need to do when it needs to be done.
We highly recommend you learn how the Colonists and our Founding Fathers faced a totally uncertain future from taking on what was a global powerhouse to gain their own Liberty through this book (we’re not being paid tor promote this)…
Stories of Faith and Courage from the Revolutionary War (Battlefields & Blessings®) - Jane Hampton Cook
Be sure to read the acknowledgements as well - you’ll understand fortitude and focus just from her thankfulness.
* Do note some Bibles use the word ‘freedom’ instead of ‘liberty’ - the words are thought by many to be interchangeable, resulting in many people being confused by the two. Freedom is of the person while liberty pertains to a sovereignty. The word freedom did not emerge until the late 1300s [ etymology on 'freedom' ] and the second book of Corinthians was written in the year 55… at least 1300 years before the origins of the word ‘freedom’ surfaced. This discernment can also be a test to see how accurate the translation is from the original language of the New Testament, which was written in Aramaic, the market language of the time, and Greek.