We Have the Gold But Congess Needs to Act NOW
A lot of people are overlooking a critical step right now
As you most undoubteldy know, many countries are trying to devalue the dollar by trading with their own currencies.
That is their right but good luck - which of the foreign currencies has the strengh and durancy of the U.S. dollar?
So what will happen if the keep avoiding the U.S. dollar?
At first, it will look like many countries are gaining on their win...
At first...
What will most likely happen is their own currencies will start collapsing - first one, then another, then a few, then… well… an economy and currency is only as good as the faith people have in it.
These collapses are inevitable as only the Russian ruble is strong right now - it should be, it is backed by gold.
And Russia has bought a LOT of gold.
Currency and econmies are extremely senstivie to the faith of the people in their own currencies and economies.
Destroy that faith and you destroy that economy and currency…
What all of them - and many others - are forgetting is the U.S. has the largest gold reserves in the world.
More than enough gold to pay the debt the U.S. currently has while also backing our currency in gold.
So why aren't we backing our currency in gold?
The Democrats (Liberals, Leftists) don't want that as it means a stronger America.
Just as Lula wants to destroy Brazil as well as any Liberty-based country with the magnitude and intensity of efforts he has been displaying since January and replace it with communism, so are the Liberals in the U.S., Americas, Europe, Asia...
The problem is this - none of the countries wanting to topple the U.S. dollar can do so succesfully as their own economies cannot support their own currency.
They are foolishly believing they can become a collective and become stronger.
All of recorded history has shown nothing is futher from the truth.
There is a natural rule that kkicks in when attempting to become a colective - it does not build strength, it collectively amplifies and magnifies the weaknesses of the participants in wanting to become a collective.
Just ask nearly any married couple once the novelty of being married wears off.
The only way to correct that weakness is to disband - or become on altogether.
In this case, that would be the New World Order.
But there is still a missing yet VERY critical element that needs to be addressed.
The Liberals are building their castle in the air and have completely forgotten about a foundation.
They believe they have a foundation - their own pockets.
And as the fall of the 1000 year empire of Rome has shown history, selfishness on accelerates the inevitable end.
So the castle will come crashing down, most likely in a more grander fashion than any one country alone.
Which also means a global depression could be very imminent if (big IF) they attain any form of success.
Meanwhile, Russia and the U.S. will have most of all the gold globally...
What do you think will happen then?
Russia and the U.S. are not staunch enemies - that would be China and the U.S.
And China's economy is crippled and they are depsrately trying to save the yuan by trying to destroy the U.S. dollar.
China has overconstructed - 60+ million empty apartments for years, construction that collapses upon its own weight, they are owners of the debt of many countries, there are not enough jobs to go around as foreign companies are now pulling out en masse, they have 2 generations of their population that are only children due to a one-child per family policy - a very bad fauz pas that has left the government caring for all the needs of these 2 generations, organ harvesting on live people, and dependencies on several critical resources from other countries hence one of the reaons for the big push to form relationships with as many wealthy countries as possible while Biden is in office… The list goes on and on…
There is a bill to return our currency from the fiat currency it is now to one that is gold-backed and it is lacking the urgency that it needs to get passed SOON.
H.R.2435 - Gold Standard Restoration Act
Our Congress has a FULL plate and it needs us to push it in the right direction - there is a LOT more that can be done if we destroy that dark economic cloud that is fast approaching, otherwise we will become slaves to an economy that will require a massive change beyond restoring our currency to a gold standard as our enemies will be having a field day with our economy - something of which they are only getting started on now due to the lack of a gold backed currency.
So again, what do you think will happen when (not if) there is a global depression?
It's bigger than you can imagine...
Meanshile, you need to contact your Congressman and Senator to get them focused on the importance of not only taking action on HR2435 but in passing it as well - and the sooner the better not only for us but for our country as well…