We ALL Have a Calling Right Now
The State of our Union is in dire need of everyone taking a hard look at their soul...
We all have been born with gifts and we all are the LAST one to know we have such, LAST to know what to do with them...
The only difference between those that have honed their gifts and those that don’t?
They have chosen to experience fear we all feel but decided to not listen to it and instead focus on what can be possible.
If you are letting negative thoughts, negative comments, negative thoughts dictate what you are - you have dropped the mic...
A conversation with Bishop T.D. Jakes and Pastor Steven Furtick helps correct your focus on what you need to do next.
Published in April 2021, this message is even more relevant today given all the strife the Biden administration has placed upon the country…
Listen to this video in segments if you have to, but whatever you do, do yourself a favor and listen to all of it…
VIDEO: Don't Drop the Mic
#blessings #faith #talent
duration 1h45m
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