Waking Up the Normies and Beyond...
Preparing others for what is to happen is only the beginning, are you ready?
Before getting into our newsletter, the latest newsletter by Clandestine needs your attention.
It’s all about focus…
From his above newsletter…
The mission is to wake up normies to assist white hats with global acceptance for high profile arrests and crimes against humanity...
Our take is this is only the tip of the iceberg...
How many are focusing on the needs you will have in the aftermath? the needs you have now?
And we’re talking beyond the new technology that will astound you, beyond the health care changes you will experience, beyond the financial changes that you will witness, even beyond the return to having a personal relationship with God…
There is already a huge Godly wisdom and education void - more like an abyss - like we have never seen before.
This abyss is only going to be magnified and amplified once the global acceptance for high profile arrests and crimes against humanity are underway - after that many of you could very well find yourself holding an empty sack full of concerns…
Right now, when it comes to information, news, and developments, you most likely don't know what and who to trust save the few reputable citizen journalists, investigative reporters, and social media influences you do...
Also, our pillar institutions are so cracked and rumbling that they need to be razed before we can move forward as the damage is that bad and the foothold of the Liberal / Globalist mentality and mindset is that deep.
Classroom violence is a symptom of many things, all of which point to a Liberal dominated education system. And the violence doesn’t stop there - the Soros Foundation has hired hundreds of thousands of crisis actors for riots throughout our country. And he has not problem getting such pathetic volunteers as violence is incorrectly taught as the ways and means to a desired end.
As if everyone is going to be able to turn off that violence switch once they have attained their desired end? Hardly…
Our Graduate schools, our colleges and institutions, our local education system, our local media (TV, radio, print, and online) , C-level officers in large corporations, politicians, business owners large and small, even some religious and faith so-called pastors are guilty of embracing on what ruined this country.
And it doesn’t stop there…
With those who are and will have humbled themselves to the deeds that caused all this havoc, there is gong to be a need - and I pray a thirst and hunger - for many to relearn correctly what they learned incorrectly.
This is going to require an incredible amount of original source documents (OSD) of which most of you probably don’t have a clue what that is never mind where to find it and how to verify if it is a true OSD.
Very briefly, OSDs are the writer’s penned thoughts and not what a writer believes someone else was thinking or meant (which is called filtered documents) - OSDs are our pillar documents (Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, Northwest Ordinance, Constitution and its amendments), the personal notes, letters, and messages of our Founding Fathers (or anyone else for that matter),
OSDs are necessary in ALL learning as it is unfiltered from the biases, judgments, lack of proper investigation and research methods as well as opinions that affect any writer that is offering what he or she is sees and believes.
All of this means we must learn to help others - as well as ourselves - to become independent thinkers.
That hardly means you need to become an independent thinker of everything - not everyone blessed to be a Galileo, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, or Thomas Jefferson - but of the topics and interest with which sit in your own soul and heart is where your forte sits waiting to be exercised.
These are the roots of the gifts God has given you, has given everyone.
It is also going to require an incredible amount of mentors, teachers, and plainly neighborly love to teach others the art of self-teaching.
For those under 50, that is the trait most had before portable music machines and mobile phones came around that started feeding ours brain at whim instead learning what interested you through assessment, investigation, research, playing, time alone thinking (and we’re talking way more than a few moments), reading an actual book in your hands (a physical book in hand has proven to positively trigger the mind in ways no electronics can).
We don’t call the TV a boob tube for kicks… I ditched my TV in 1985 (pre-internet days), my wife has a TV but I rarely watch anything on it as the Liberal agenda is way more evident to anyone that has stepped away from the TV than anyone who consistently watches it (this is called acclimation).
This is not to say everything of the last 50 years is junk, hardly - but too much of it is and few have the discernment nor wisdom to separate the chaff from the wheat.
All the above and more is what we - what you - need to be preparing for...
But before you can get there, you need to be sure you are properly assessing what you are doing now to get there…
Faith and education need to take a precedence like no other for you now, so you can be prepared for what will happen during and especially after the high profile arrests and crimes against humanity are witnessed.
My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you,
So that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding;
~ Proverbs 2:1-2
keywords - your heart, not just your head - there’s only 18 inches from the head to the heart and for some it is a journey never taken, for many an arduous journey at that…
The more knowledge we seek, the more close we develop our relationship with God, the more wisdom we gain…
We don’t hear much about this today as the Liberal controlled narrative doesn’t permit it to go very far - a discerning eye and ear will tell you this relationship among knowledge, wisdom, and God is very much alive…
Our task in front if us is our burden for permitting what happened to happen - it is also our blessing to be able to correct the direction of our future to one meant by our Founding Fathers but more importantly by our Heavenly Father Himself…
... and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty." ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14
A closing prayer…
Dear Heavenly Father, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
May The Lord bless you and keep you;
May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
So you shall put His name on the children of Israel and He will bless them.
~ Numbers 6:23-27