
Our apologies, this video should have accompanied the cross-post just published, found here…

CLICK HERE to view the cross-post

James Roguski is the guest in the video - we consider our go-to guy for anything WHO.

He has been covering their shenanigans for a few years now - and it is sometimes scary how accurate he is with his sidebar comments concerning what WHO may try next and why.

James and Noor Bin Ladin discussed WHO in depth in Noor’s latest rumble video… Just be forewarned that it is 2 hours of packed information that will leave you well-learned on WHO’s latest shenanigans.

Noor Bin Ladin
Important Update on the WHO with James Roguski.
While the world is spinning with countless disruptions and distractions, the World Health Organization (WHO) continues to drive negotiations on the “Pandemic Accord” and the amendments to the International Health Regulations. The final drafts of both instruments are set to be presented end of May at the next World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, Switzer…
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