
Tucker with Jeffrey Sachs

Jeffrey Sachs with probably the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever caught on tape.

Who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline?

“The US blew up Nord Stream,” says Jeffrey Sachs.

How does he know?

“They said they would, and they did it.”

• In February 2022, Joe Biden stated to the press that if Russia invaded Ukraine, Nord Stream would be finished.

• Several US officials, including Victoria Nuland, made statements that Nord Stream would be stopped or destroyed.

• There were readings of US planes in the vicinity of the explosion.

• Radosław Sikorski, the former and now current Polish Foreign Minister, said in a tweet, “Thank you, USA,” along with a picture of the gas leak from the Nord Stream pipeline explosion.


(20:17) Why did America push for Ukraine to Join NATO?
(58:34) What is a Neocon?
(1:25:28) Regime Change Never Works
(1:36:27) Who Blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline?
(2:01:45) COVID Origins

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