The Palestinians Are An Artificial 1960’s Invention - Similar to Silicone Implants
by Peter Baum (excerpt)
Given the recent initiative by President Trump and the predictable outrage from the pro-Palestinian industry alluding to the ethnic cleansing of’ indigenous’ Palestinians’ this article exposes some unpleasant, unpalatable truths for Israel’s enemies.
It is rather a paradox is it not, that the Palestinians both claim refugee status, as per decades of funding from the United Nations Refugee Agency UNWRA, and claim they are indigenous to the area where they are refugees, that is Gaza.
If Palestinians are Indigenous to Gaza, then how is it that they are recognized too as refugees?
It is an absurdity only made possible by The Theatre Of The Absurd, otherwise called the United Nations.
In this article we strip out the mythology that has morphed into facts and research and source documented historical evidence to challenge and expose the false narrative that has attached itself to the anthropological miracles who identify themselves as being indigenous Palestinians.
Following atrocities committed by Arabs on Jews in Palestine during the late 1920s, HM Government commissioned a report by Sir John Hope Simpson which was produced in 1930.
The Arab riots were instigated by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a title conferred on this future Nazi collaborator by the British who needed an Arab point of liaison during their administration of Palestine.
The Report concentrated on immigration to Palestine and its effects on the people, land, and economy.
The current narrative portrayed by the pro-Palestinian industry is…
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Whether, "Palestinian" is a made-up term or not, the area in which they lived was called "Palestine." The name Palestine has a long ancient history. Thus, one who lived and live in an area called Palestine, even though many different ethnic groups, are Palestinians. So, yes, the indigenous people of Palestine are rightly so Palestinians. The Zionist Israeli Jewish mafia are criminal interlopers.