
The MSM Is Lying Again - The Real Story Behind the FBI/Epstein Saga

Things that go bump in the day... ADDENDUM Videos

We were aiming to have Tara Servatius’s Rumble broadcast segmented into clips that focused on the FBI Fiasco last Friday, of which the MSM consistently attempted a redirect by lying about the real reason for the sudden and unexpected departure of the Director of the SDNY FBI field office and unfortunately, a LOT of people fell for it.

Instead, we have the one clip above that covers most of what Tara had to share.

You would think that after being exposed to the biggest and largest intelligence operation during the first administration - of which the notes are still readily available online - this would not have happened.

But it did - making it all a wake-up call to those who should have known better and a textbook case of not listening to the right voices.

ALWAYS qualify the voices you listen to - even reviewing that qualification whenever something does not agree with you.

There were so many knee-jerking reactions going on in the U.S. that we could feel it in South America.

The above clip is from the first 10 minutes of Tara’s broadcast, where she gets into a lot of the nitty-gritty of what happened.

If you are interested in hearing the full broadcast, click on the image below.

click here if clicking the image does not function properly

Just know there are dead spots in the broadcast due to her rotation with other audio broadcasts on the radio as well as the internet - just fast-forward until you hear her speaking again.

We can download most Rumble videos; however, broadcasts - even after the event is completed - are a challenge for now.


Jeese Waters, Fox News

Click the image to view the video in the BonginoReport on Rumble…

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