The FBI Oath of Office - taken TWICE: on their first full day at the FBI Academy and then as part of their official graduation ceremony, right hands raised both times…
I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and
that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
So help me God.
Given recent events (like the last 6+ years), we have no clue what god you are swearing to because NONE of what We the People have been witnessing bears ANY resemblance to the good character that is instruction in our Bible… in every church… And you sure as hell aren’t caring about We the People as you don’t care about our Constitution as it is written not as you perceive it to be…
Has anyone ever, even in the slightest form, been able to prove beyond ANY reasonable doubt that POTUS45 is an enemy of our Constitution? We have not seen any - the Democrats have tried like hell since June 2015 to take him down on one bogus accusation after another and ALL of their accusations have proven to be totally false, not to mention fake when it came to the Steele dossier…
Obviously from your history of the last 6+ years “true faith and allegiance” do not have the same definition to the FBI as it does to those of good character, so what IS true faith and allegiance to the FBI in light of the stupidity We the People have been witnessing in the last 6+ years? We’l wait - but not too long...
As the FBI has taken this obligation freely - then when did your obligation change into a political agenda, as your actions for the past 6+ years has embraced nothing but a political agenda and no where near to defending our Constitution… If anything, our Constitution has been in your back pocket to be used for toilet paper…
“well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office”… Seriously? You must think we are pretty stupid as We the People haven’t witnessed this in DECADES…
In less than 12 hours, you managed to have your allies become your enemies in short order. And you have deepened the roots and determination of those that want your agency dismantled and destroyed.
Your badges guns, and gear need to be returned to We the People so you can wait for the military tribunals that are about to come up… Or not… Either way, the FBI is going down by the power vested to We the People as noted in our Constitution, the very same Constitution you swore to support and defend - and don’t…