
The Event Your U.S. History Teacher Will Not Talk About

It occurred in Washington, D.C., 1932

Our government not treating our Veterans very well is nothing new - much of it gets suppressed by the MSM even today (to their credit, the MSM will try to assist veterans in need but it is always up to We the People to get'er done).

This is an ugly piece of American history that has been swept under the rug - the fact that this is the only documentary we could find on this event says just how far under that rug it was swept.

Very few people know about this shameful event in 1932 where the US Army, led by some of the most revered heroes of WWII, were turned on the veterans of WWI in the streets of Washington, DC by none other than President Herbert Hoover.

And Hoover really botched this situation up royally... Pelosi and Schumer would have been flying home or elsewhere permanently if this happened today.

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