The Difference Between Zionism and Judaism Is What?
They are not interchangeable terms as the MSM will have you believe - by Garrett O'Brien
image: Theodor Herzl, largely considered the father of political Zionism. (Wikimedia Commons)
This post does not belittle the lives lost, the families destroyed and broken up, and the disappearing and killed children no matter what the culture.
They are victims caught in a VERY deadly and costly case of hate.
In the spiritual realm, there are only 2 domains - you are either with God or you are not.
There is no gray area between the two - if you are not with God then you are with Satan.
Does not matter whether you believe this or not, a collection of books and scrolls doesn’t exist as the Bible grows in volume over a 6000-year span out of pure luck.
More than 40 authors, never knowing nor met one another save for a handful in the New Testament, have the same message and none of them deny the existence of both the Father Almighty as well as Satan himself.
There is, however, the compassion and the grace the Father Almighty provides as He knows what we are capable of, what we are learning, and the struggle each of us individually faces.
KEYWORD - individually
So what does all this have to do with Israel?
Throughout the Bible, God has promised the Jews their land - not a nation, not a sovereignty, not a government… just their rightful land.
It is a gift from Him to the people He loves most.
That means the modern-day Israel nation was created through man’s will.
This all started in late 1917 through the Balfour Declaration…
From the Jewish Virtual Library…
The British government decided to endorse the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine. After discussions within the cabinet and consultations with Jewish leaders, the decision was made public in a letter from British Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur James Balfour (archive) to Lord Walter Rothschild (archive). The contents of this letter became known as the Balfour Declaration (archive).
Historical note…
Before we get into the content of that declaration, you need to note that the British government underwent a ‘reconstruction’ in 1916 that involved departures from the accepted principles of cabinet government - so much so it was categorized as a revolution by many.
The details are beyond the scope of this post and if undertaken would require a series of posts to assess just everything that fell by the wayside, all of which be read here.
These details are good to know as they share the political environment (the shell game) that allowed not only the Balfour Declaration to be introduced and accepted but also how the Kabal characters ended up in the British government (the shells).
What happened in Britain in 1916 is the same scenario many countries are experiencing today.
All that said, the Balfour Declaration follows…
More background leading up to and after the Balfour Declaration can be had here (all linked to the Jewish Virtual Library)…
Official Endorsements
Arab Leader Emir Faisal (1919)
U.S. Congress (1922)
U.S. President Hoover (1932)
U.S. President Roosevelt (1937)
Important Figures
Why The Balfour Declaration Was So Important
We mean besides the greedy Rothschilds being involved - ANYONE from the Rothschild family is definitely part of the cabal, elitist, establishment, Illuminati, deep state
Until the Balfour Declaration, the Jewish people were (and still are) only interested in living on the land God promised to them through the Torah as well as all the Old Testament prophets - they were not interested in establishing a government, a sovereignty, or a secular nation.
However, the Deep State was…
And the Deep State called their belief system Zionism, not Judaism.
The Jewish people called themselves Jews, Israelis (from the land of Israel), as well as children of Abraham (archive)
In other words, the Balfour Declaration was only important to the secular heathens of the cabal, not to the Jewish people who follow the God of our Bible.
Terminology, Geography versus Etymology
Zionists, Jewish and otherwise, strive for an independent Jewish state (which started with the Balfour Declaration, 1917) while religious Jews as well as many non-religious Jews, believe Israel is 'the promised land' - a country where Jews can live in freedom and safety.
For the past few decades, the word Zionist is often used negatively.
Many Palestinians and supporters of the Palestinian cause incorrectly do not distinguish between the words 'Jew', 'Israeli', and 'Zionist' for the following reasons…
Most Jews do not live in Israel
Not every inhabitant of Israel is Jewish; there are also many non-Jews living in Israel, and
Not all Jewish Israelis are 'settlers' who want to conquer more and more Palestinian land
The vast majority of Jews believe that the State of Israel should continue to exist, however, many Jews living in Israel and elsewhere are in favor of a Palestinian state alongside Israel as a possible solution to the conflict.
At least they were until the attacks on the 7th of October, time will tell if there has been a change of heart in this idea.
Although many Jews identify with Zionism, there are still many different points of view.
That is reason enough not to mix up the words 'Jew', 'Israelis', and 'Zionists'.
source - Anne Frank House
VIDEO: What Christians Aren't Taught About Zionism
reallygraceful provides an excellent overview of lessons not taught in government schools or churches
If the above video is not functioning properly, click here to view on her YT channel
Shedding Some Light On What You Are Really Seeing in Israel Today
Political Correctness waters the meaning of words down, to the point that it blurs the lines between reality and imagination.
This is most evident in, but not limited to, the terms…
Democrats and Liberals (there is a difference)
Democracy and Freedom (a YUGE difference), and
Zion(-ist, -ism) and Jewish, Israeli (definitely a difference)
This blurring is intentional - we need to properly identify and name our enemies, if we are blurring either then how do we identify our enemies?
Our enemies use this to manipulate the public, the crowds, the unaware, those attacking them, redirection, and a whole basketful of excuses.
So if you’re scratching your head over all this Zionism, Judaism, Israeli talk, and who represents what… you’re not alone.
After viewing reallygraceful’s YT video above, you should be better situated for your own research.