The CDC Predicts Blood Clots Will Double by 2050, Here's What They’re Not Telling You…
If they know blood clots will double and they claim they follow the science then why are they planning for us to fail?
That is because they WANT us to fail…
The Globalists may not have been very successful in carrying off their billions of deaths but they will persist until they get there.
Your job is to perform your own due diligence - educate yourself, they aren’t going to do anything but convince you that their ways are the only way.
That there alone should be raising all sorts of flags - God is not that limiting when it comes to food, nutrition, and being healthy.
He said He wants us to live an abundant life - since when did He ever hand anything like that over on a silver platter???…
You have to arm yourself with the knowledge and wisdom our grandparents and great-grandparents and all the family tree before them had but somewhere along the line was forsaken.
There is even some recommendations in the Bible if you know what to look for - what we can get you started with is food normally resembles what part of the body in which it is does well.
Cut a carrot - what do you see?
Cut a tomato - what do you see
The form of a heart…
Brain food…
The list goes on and on
Ivory Hecker hits a lot of nails on the head in this 17 minute video - bring a notepad and pen, you’ll need it… Then be prepared to make some dietary changes, a little at first, but you’ll catch on.
Click the image above to view the video on her YouTube channel or click here to open it in her rumble account if the YouTube link does not load properly