Some Sage Advice from Dr. Zelenko
Dr Zelenko was talking about his recommendation of Quercetin instead of HCQ for those that can't get HCQ, and his advice applies to MANY things in life, especially now...
Sometimes you have to fight with the army you have not the army you wish you had...
(This is a paraphrased quote originally make by Donald Rumsfeld - Secretary of Defense under President Gerald Ford (1975-1977) and again under President George W. Bush (2001 -2006))
There are going to be disappointments tonight, this week — stop dwelling on it and being triggered by it.
Overall, better times ARE coming - but stop looking at what you don't have.
God NEVER works on what you have lost, He works on what you have left - give Him the opportunity to do something by letting it go...
He can't do a thing if you're still holding onto what you want Him to change...
Not possible physically, not possible spiritually...
There are principles that He abides by and it too keep us from expecting our problems to be resolved on a silver platter.
Ain't happening with Him, ever...