Revised CDC Numbers Expose Big Pharma's Strategy...
And our children were treated as human shields in a bio-war
This week, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) adjust ALL data concerning the number of deaths from COVID
For the age group 0-17 years, the adjusted figure is 1,341 deaths - about 24% of what it was originally...
There are approximately 75,000,000 children in that age group...
That is 0.001788% of ALL school age children
For something that has a 99.997% survival rate for the same age group
The new charts from the CDC…
In essence, Fauci, Birx, the CCD, WHO, WEF, FDA, and NIH put our children through their version of “safety” by depriving them of proper personal growth through interacting one-on-one and in groups for TWO years.
Here’s a graph of deaths by age group from 2019, the year BEFORE the so-called virus arrived in the U.S. as provided by the National Safety Council (NSC)…
Here’s the breakout by age group…
Cause of death : <5 : 5-14
Mechanical suffocation : 1129 : 0
Fire, flames, smoke : 82 : 111
Drowning : 412: 233
Choking (inhalation or ingestion of food or foreign object) 105 : 0
Motor vehicle : 435 : 847
Poisoning : 0 : 33
Education, Mental, and Emotional Setbacks
Education has suffered greatly and it is estimated many will be at a minimum of a year behind in their development.
As a result, special instruction and mental health teachers are going to be needed - and, at least in the U.S. these resources are being vetted to be sure they are balanced themselves so as to not indoctrinate our children into any socialism ideology.
This wasn’t a virus which can be proved with one question - when was the last time, or even first time, a virus survived the heat of the summer?
The so-called vaccines have graphene oxide and nanotechnology that is responsive to 5G radiation and lately have been found to be possible accelerator to HIV
The Globalist Game
The alphabet medical and health agencies, MSM, and Big Tech did everything they could to bury the ALREADY AVAILABLE REMEDIES in order to permit the promotion of the Big Pharma so-called vaccine solutions from Pfizer (who has the distinction of paying the most and heaviest fines every levied), Johnson&Johnson, AstraZeneca, and Moderna.
Why bury the knowledge of HCQ and Ivermectin?
In order to push the “Emergency Use” of the Big Pharma bio-weapons which would generate billions of dollars as opposed to the use of HCQ (available since 1960s) and Ivermectin (available since 1980s)
Let’s not forget the healthy 5-figure payments the hospitals would receive from WHO, WEF, and NIH for reporting COVID cases and deaths (13,500 to nearly 50,000 PER REPORTED CASE)
And the MSM and Big Tech were in on it from the get go - if you don’t think so then why can all the talking points be heard in verbatim no matter what part of the country?
Unless, of course, it was a news agency claimed by the MSM that promoted conspiracies…
Yeah, right - they say that because they are ignoring the increasing number of “conspiracies” that are become the reality that they cannot avoid and have to report on…
Let’s face it - ALL the evidence points to the fact that we were manipulated and then attacked once we recognized what was really going on…
An now, with Russia and Ukraine going at it, suddenly there is no concern about COVID…
We’ve been played and once we realize that we have been played…
sources: Reuters, DailyMailUK, CDC, WHO, WEF, NIH, America's Frontline Doctors, Associated Press