The Leftists are calling the Right terrorists, so why is the Left that is destroying property?
The Awakeness Continues
There is only a day 2 when looking at the calendar - the focus, mission, and message of the Right remains the same: the election was stolen and the energy of the Brazilian people remained heightened from what only the Left calls a fair and clean election…
Which begs the question, when has the Left ever done anything fair and clean?
Like the Liberals in the States in 2020 and since, the Leftists here are saying nonsense to an impropriety
Their selective vision is not unknown globally.
To the credit of the Brazilian military, the preliminary report for the 2nd election round was completed within 48 hours - the details of which have not been shared as of yet, an overview of the 1st round was made available but not the details (think ongoing investigation).
The Brazilians took to the highways quite literally, trucks joining in on the impromptu blockades, more than 450 in total. The Brazilian people joined them in the closed highways and BBQs sprung up everywhere once dinner time arrived. There were more than 600 such blockades.
An order cam out that would heavily find the truck drivers by the hour for each hour they remained in a blockade. No problem - the truck drivers started leaving, being replaced by huge piles of dirt and burning tires. The order said trucks, didn’t express any other conditions - oops…
The blockades remain into day 3…
Moraes’ Reactions
The blockades brought the ire of the very well disliked Brazilian Supreme Court Chief Justice (Minister is his title in Brazil) as well as the President of the Electoral Justice Alexandre Moraes. His Court appointment thanks to Lula before he was outed for corruption and his Justice position is self-appointed. Apparently there is a loophole in the Brazilian Constitution that permits such a conflict of interest, the same document of which gives Moraes more power than any President of Brazil.
Which is why Bolsonaro always looks like his hands are tied behind his back many times - Constitutionally, they are. The Brazilian Congress has at least 67% of its members either having seen or being charged with corruption. Such a status position is taken with pride with those members of Congress and some Brazilian citizens, especially those in northeast Brazil - and not so from most we have talked with here in Sao Paulo. Good character traits would say this is nothing of which to be proud…
Moraes heavily fined the truckers and order the Federal Highway Police (PRF - Polícia Rodoviária Federal) to remove them - only thing was there were more blockades than they had manpower. Word got around, many truckers left on their own accord, others waiting until the PRF arrived. Overall, it was a calm situation though intense in conversations. Overall, the police favor Bolsonaro but they have to report to Moraes - lucky them.
Bolosonaro’s Succinct Speech
I have always been called undemocratic, and unlike my accusers, I have always adhered to the four lines of the Constitution. I have never spoken of controlling or censoring the media and social networks. As President of the Republic and as a citizen, I will continue to abide by all the precepts of our Constitution.
I want to begin by thanking the 58 million Brazilians who voted for me on October 30. The current popular movements are the result of indignation and a sense of injustice at the way the electoral process went. Peaceful demonstrations will always be welcome, but our methods cannot be those of the left, which have always harmed the people, such as invading property, destroying property and restricting the right to come and go.
Our dreams remain more alive than ever because of progress. Even against the whole system, we have overcome the pandemic and the consequences of war," he said, adding that as president and citizen, he will continue to fulfill all the commandments of the Constitution.
He never congratulated Lula.
He never conceded.
He also established himself as the leader of the Right - now and post-Presidency.
He is following the footsteps Trump used in January 2020 - though Bolsonaro is no Trump, he does study Trump’s history as a President quite closely.
We will be watching what he does next by seeing and listening to what he does and observer his actions as part of a shell game (and not a shell).
We move on to Day 3 tomorrow…