The financial world is bracing for a significant upheaval following Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew its 50-year petro-dollar deal with the U.S., which expired on Sunday 09 June 2024.
Seth Holehouse and Dr. Kirk Elliott of Precious Metals share some serious discussions on this matter…
How does this affect our heavy debt?
How does this affect our reserve currency?
BRICS wants create and use its own currency - how does this affect the USD?
37.5% of the world’s population are moving to gold - China (1.4B), India (1.4B), Russia (144M), and Turkey (85M)
How will this affect inflation in the U.S?
What is the history of countries that once held the global reserve currency?
What will the roll be of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with all this?
From MJTruth…
The petro-dollar is the root of a lot of evil and I could not see us winning anything if this did not change.
I believe Joe Biden was put in place in order for the entire corrupt and diseased financial system to crash.
I believe whether good or bad, it’s coming down under Biden. Not Trump. By design, to bring a new rebuilt financial system.
Trump has said the dollar is collapsing and would no longer be the world standard… he’s been warning us.
God placed us on this path and I have to Trust that God placed Trump in position to get us back to something tangible and fair for the entire world.
That’s what this entire journey has been about…
Are you ready for the next phase?
Our Thoughts
If you have ever travel to another country, you know American made goods are in high demand - so much so black markets focus on American made products.
The reason we have higher quality goods - our energy costs are low globally.
The lower energy costs in a capitalist environment the better the quality of the products.
What will happen to the demand for American made products?
There’s a lot of scenarios that that can happen - but if you want quality, it will only happen in countries pushing capitalism which have low energy costs.
So the key to all this is - energy costs…
What will Biden do?
Most likely nothing.
What should he be doing?
Moving our currency to a gold-backed currency.
Meanwhile - you can be doing something as well, like buying precious metals.
We’re not subsidized nor promote any one specific precious metals dealer but having precious metals is where everyone turns when the economy goes south.
Quality of our products can be used as a leveraging point just as long as we able to maintain that crown....
Though we have lost the leverage of the petro-dollar, it will force Congress to be prudent with spending (listen to the top video for why).
Also, backing our currency with gold will stabilize everything...
And in case you forgot, and thanks to Trump for sharing with us, we have more oil than the Middle East - tap into that and the strong winds BRICS is expecting for their currency will turn into a gentle breeze.
We also have sufficient gold in storage (thanks to Trump once again) to pay off our debts as well as stabilize our currency