Our Next Focus: Monkeypox
We told you everything you needed to know about COVID before the general public got hold of the same information, we're doing the same about monkey pox...
We’re not gloating about our COVID series - it was intense and time-consuming and none of it has been proven to be false, as much as Big Tech, MSM, the alphabet health orgs, Fauci, Brix, and Gates, as well as neighsayers tried to prove any of it wrong.
Both Facebook and Twitter banned us altogether yet everything in the COVID series of posts was spot on - which, by their actions, proved our point that all they wanted to do was (and still do want) to control the narrative for the Elites.
We weren’t the only ones in this group — multiple organizations and independents comprised of top doctors exposed the truth we had already shared as well as provided more details they learned during the so-called but hardly a real ‘pandemic’ as well as the so-called ‘vaccines’.
Decisive is our first name for a reason.
This coming week, perhaps weeks, our blog will be publishing everything you need to know about monkeypox and the plans the elites made for this so-called “pandemic” last Spring. Multiple resources have already exposed parts of the monkeypox dynamics, we are putting it all together on our blog.
Each post will be promoted here through Substack - no need to sign up for anything new, as with any blog post we publish a link will be provided to each post on our blog.
Meanwhile, be vigilant - and if you haven’t initiated a relationship with the Lord Almighty, then why not? We are in more than just a bioweapons warfare…
UPDATE 28-Feb-2024
The monkeypox fizzled out faster than one can blow out a candle, visit our health topics by clicking the ‘Health’ link on the sidebar or by clicking here.