Praying Everyone Has Safe Travels and a Great Thanksgiving weekend!!!
Nothing special planned here, wife is working and I'll be working on the server to see how much further along I can get it to launch.
Truthfully, our first Thanksgiving in the States is going to be a treat, even if it is just Regina and me as I am not about to let my first Thanksgiving week, never mind Day, in more than a decade go sliding by celebrated and without thanks 😊 and a celebration that will be big no matter what the size of the table.
We all have a LOT to be thankful for...
- we use a lot of ice, we cook a lot of food, and we enjoy an abundance that is not witnessed in most other countries. Compared to the rest of the world, we have an abundance of inexpensive energy that allows all that to happen. Some countries are share-loading their electricity and families have to have generators running in between each load while other countries have lower quality items than we do in the U.S. There is a reason why American-made products are so highly cherished around the world and our relatively inexpensive energy is the reason why we have such quality and abundance all around us.
- we are blessed with some of the most flavorful and healthy foods God has created. Ever notice in countries that do not have enough farm and grazing land they eat whatever is available? Insects, bugs, pig heads and hooves, you name it they probably have a recipe for it. My wife marvels at how black our soil can be - it is a sign of rich soil. Soil almost everywhere else can be brown, red, yellow, and/or white (sometimes all 5 colors). They are rich in their own minerals and nutrients, but black is the best for the healthy foods of which God has blessed our land. I have noticed the foods outside the U.S. are not as flavorful nor as robust as food grown in the U.S.
- doesn't matter your heritage, as long as you're not illegal, we consider everyone in the U.S. as an American. In many countries, you're not considered a person of that country until your grandchildren or great-grandchildren are born there - and only they are considered part of that country and not you and not any of your children who were even born there. In the USA, you ARE an American first, your heritage is second. Personally, if someone has a green card and shows a thirst for knowing about our country it shows they are committed to being an American - so I consider them an American, they just haven't been officially recognized yet.
- we have the power to do what we want with our politicians and with our government if we just learn to use that power. Many have forgotten that they have this power AND RIGHT and have defaulted to elections so they render themselves powerless and let the enemy reign. A Michigan township government, several school boards, and a city government in the last few months have found out the hard way they are not entitled to their positions and need to report to We the People. We need a LOT more of that going on NOW.
Those who know their history know we are the first country to gain such rights that God inherently gave us since the Roman Empire, and even they didn't get it right. We are the light of the world - everyone is wondering about us, even our enemies. Our enemies have a belief that they can wiggle and needle their way into our country if they do it slowly and keep buying up land and companies thereby establishing their presence within our country without pursuing the most valued citizenship the world has ever known... being an American. We take that citizenship for granted way too many times and forget God placed us here for a reason. A personal reflection on that complacency - my family mostly resides in the Liberal boiling pot known as Boston; my stepdad fought in WWII and the Korean War, and the last I saw him he had given up on our country and God, turned atheist (and my mother is a new age believer). At one point I just had to ask him, "Then what the hell did you fight for, this?" referring to the Liberal legacy created by the Democrats for the last 60+ years. From him I learned the fight is never over as once we believe it is it means we have left the door open for it to happen again. You always get up during a fight and find that strength God has planted within to continue and win, even if it is for His name only.
And THAT is one thing I pray all of us to remember, no matter how tiresome all of this gets. And you know I don’t have to elaborate when I say ‘this’. Tiresome is something the enemy wants to see as they know at that point they are gaining, even believing they are winning. Tiresome is when I get most agitated, choose to rise and confront what is tiring me down, and start making my moves. You have to constantly remind the enemy that a sleeping lion is always ready to strike back. It is that action that will motivate our military as they not only have to fight an enemy abroad but the enemy in the form of an illegitimate Presidency, illegitimate administration, illegitimate top brass (not all of them thank God!), illegitimate State and local governments as well.
With all that said, to one and all we say enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend and be ready to strike back as soon as you have seen this Thanksgiving pass... If you have to rise up and confront the enemy before it is over, you’ll be more than glad you did.