One Question For Everyone Anti-Israel…
by Garrett O'Brien - So far no one has been able to answer this question truthfully
Actually, there are 2 but you get to choose which to answer…
For the years 3500 BC to 1948,
can you provide the name of
ONE country or empire
that tried to wipe out Israel
and is it still here today?
For the years 3500 BC to 1948,
can you provide a list of leaders,
kings, queens, ministers, presidents,
of this so-called Palestinian State?
Why 1948?
That is when Israel was formally recognized by the world governments.
Surprisingly, the Soviet Union was the first country to recognize Israel de jure on 17 May 1948, followed by Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Ireland, and South Africa.
The United States extended de jure recognition after the first Israeli election, on 31 January 1949 (‘de jure’ means “of right, by right, according to law”; opposite of ‘de facto’ ).
Yet today’s governments believe they can do what others couldn’t accomplish in the last 3500 years.
One has to view all the original source documents available today that the only people — the ONLY people — that have been able to thrive on the land known as Israel are the Jews.
Any and every country that has chased the Jews out of their land saw the land turn to unusable dust.
Every country…
Every time…
And every time the Jews returned?
When Jews lived on the land it prospered,
without exception…
Even in times when the area
was experiencing a famine…
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that one is better off acknowledging and embracing Israel than opposing them…
So just what are they pretending NOT to know?
They, being the countries, the people, and the organizations who favor Hamas, Palestinians, Islam, ISIS, the U.N., yah-dah, yah-dah, yah-dah…
One has to stop and think about just what are the intellectual fools at the U.N. using besides biased blindness when making any anti-Israeli decision…
Given the history of Israel’s propensity to survive all odds, the U.N. looks more and more stupid with each vote to anyone that has any level of discernment…
My apologies… I assumed discernment was a character trait of those at the U.N., silly me!
So doesn’t Iran… Iraq… Saudi Arabia… the entire Middle East for that matter…
On our home front, it includes any President of the United States, its Congress, as well as its people…
But what do I know?
I’ve only been here 70-some-odd years, reading as many original source documents as I can (there are LOTS to be found in the Library for Congress as well as the National Archives)…
Many accept and believe knowledge is power
while forgetting, or feigning to forget,
that wisdom can make all the world’s knowledge
can make one look more stupid than any ignorant…
If either of these questions isn’t working for you, then there are 12 more to consider:
VIDEO: Israel Remains Against All Odds
A video from the Glenn Beck Program encouraged us to post this message — the speaker is Erick Stakelbeck.
Erick is Host and Executive Producer of The Watchman, a cutting-edge newsmagazine delivering the inside story on what’s happening in Israel and the Middle East and why it matters to everyone.
The Watchman television show can be seen in primetime each week on TBN.
Stakelbeck also hosts The Watchman Newscast, which is seen exclusively on YouTube every weekday as well as our Telegram Programs and Documentaries Channel (search for #ErickStakelback or #TheWatchman).
originally published 13-October-2015 in DecisiveLiberty.News (archive) by Garrett O’Brien