Naomi Wolfe Has Been Warning On This for a Year...
There is also a bigger question to go along with her advice
Extremely disturbing data from VAERS:
The total number of miscarriages and stillbirths per year since 1990 attributed to a vaccine reaction…
src: @BenSwann_, twitter
This Has Been Discussed for More Than a Year
Naomi Wolf sounded the whistle on miscarriages and stillbirths resulting from the COVID vaccines (mRNA and otherwise) since late last year and has been banned from Big Tech, NewsMax (they and FoxNews are not true Conservative news stations), been heckled on the streets of Blue States, and of course, the Liberal media has been having a field day with her as well…
Now watch how quiet they all will be about this VAERS report and if they say anything it will be to claim it is just another conspiracy theory…
Wonder why they never interview any mother who lost her baby after taking a COVID vaccine?
Not that there are so few of them to be found…
We did go on the VAERS website and were able to locate ‘stillbirth’ in the symptoms pick list however we are not finding miscarriage, pregnancy loss, nor spontaneous abortion so some other medical term must be in use.
Some of the fake narratives that are being pushed…
AP - VAERS data distorted to falsely link vaccines and miscarriage [archive] - Viral Posts Misuse VAERS Data to Make False Claims About COVID-19 Vaccines [archive]
Media Matters - Anti-vaccine conspiracy theories about the VAERS database were brewing online for months before Tucker Carlson promoted them on Fox prime time [archive]
AAP Fact Check - Miscarriage data doesn’t prove link to COVID-19 vaccines [archive]
And an inconclusive report suggesting more research in April 2021 but no new research reported…
NIH - Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons [archive]
You will notice the neigh sayers will talk about the “conspiracy theory” but have yet to come up with a solid REASON why stillbirths and miscarriages have skyrocketed.
Nothing like ignoring the elephant in the room...
They also don’t even contemplate of what would happen to the rate of miscarriages and stillbirths if mRNA vaxes were suddenly stopped.
There’s Something Else of a VERY Grave Concern
We keep tabs on 100s of doctors and the conversation level on this topic is rising rapidly…
This is still speculation however we are seeing doctors with 40+ years of experience in OB-GYN with very worried looks on their faces when they speak of this.
There is a concern that female babies that will not be able to develop their reproductive organs when they get older…
They are saying it is in the vicinity of 20-50% of all female babies who may fall into this category.
The alarm was sounded by a group of doctors who have been on top of what COVID really is since its first arrival - and have been on top of the so-called solutions being called vaccines.
The hypothesis came about while researching the blood of the placentas while looking for problems the mother may have passed to the baby.
Genetically, something is a miss and they are still drilling down into what they are discovering.
The worst-case scenario they are sharing would be higher than the normal amount of fertile women, at best, they could be passing something along to their babies that would be detrimental.
Once they have it all mapped out we will definitely share it with you.
mRNA is Not the Only Problem
So-called vaccines as ALL the vaccines for COVID contain an element that is not listed anywhere but is very visible under the microscopes - graphene oxide, aka GO.
GO has been seen in long strands as well as auto-constructing routers and modems - La Quinta Columna has the videos on all this uploaded to their Telegram channel.
Their multi-language Telegram channel is here and their original channel, mostly in Spanish, is here.
Again, it is an element not mentioned on any of the inserts provided with the so-called vaccines but has been found in EVERY so-called vaccine for COVID-19.
Some of the inserts are multiple blank pages, printed with the advisory, this page is intentionally blank.
La Quinta Columna is expanding its research into all vaccines and the prognosis so far is not good as none of them are without GO.
This means you should be sharing the heck out this with your social network.
As we have taken our Substack private for the moment, we have posted this on our blog to make it easier to share - and please share it far and wide….