
More C19V Discoveries You Need To Know

by Greg Reese - If you have taken ANY vaccine or not, this video is for you...

UPDATED: added a link to the La Quinta Columna website

You didn’t arrive here haphazardly so this video is for you.


Even if you have had enough hutzpah to say NO to the masks since 2020 and NO to the jabs since 2021, it is always important to know how to read the landscape and the environment around you.

The thoughts shared in this video are more important now than ever before as things are changing quickly - the globalists are desperate as their ploys did not get the results they wanted and those tired of all their shenanigans, those who have learned to think critically are getting tired of their assumption that nearly everyone is stupid, getting tired of their bull, and are pushing back at every level they can learn.

The source Greg references, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea (MEE-al chia) is found on X.com and here on Substak (link below) and she is WELL worth your time, efforts, and even money to follow (she has free and paid Substack subscriptions).

We have been on top of both the so-called virus (it’s technically a bioweapon) as well as the solutions being passed off as vaccines (technically bioweapons as well).

The ONLY other source we have discovered that can compete with Dr. Mihalcea is in Spain, La Quinta Columna [TG, X], and their team is directed by an excellent bioanalyst and researcher - they offer multiple language translations on Telegram, gab, rumble, and their website.

Enough of the rambling, click the above video to hear the latest discoveries of C19Vs (Covid-19 vaxes).

all rights belong to Greg Reese

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