
Moraes Points the Finger In the Wrong Direction - Again...

ADDENDUM (content added after publishing) at the end of the post...

via TupiReport, t.me/tupireport (TG)

Note: my comments added in { }

While delivering an inaugural lecture to welcome new students at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo (USP), in the historic hall at Largo do São Francisco, Supreme Federal Court (STF) Justice and law professor Alexandre de Moraes stated that “algorithms are ideologically directed to indoctrinate people.

During his speech, Moraes discussed what he considers the root of the problem with social media: the ability of anyone, regardless of formal education, to speak freely and influence others. {DOH! That is free speech - the people now have a platform in which to exercise it}

He once again defended the regulation of social media platforms and criticized Big Tech companies and what he frequently refers to as the “far-right.”

According to Moraes, social media has been instrumentalized by “fascist economic groups to erode democracy from within.” {Which is what he, Lula, and Lula’s political party are doing}

To illustrate his argument, he claimed that “hate speech” on social media stems from economic crises, when people, in Brazil and other countries, start looking for scapegoats, drawing a comparison to the AfD party in Germany.

At a certain point, following global economic crises and income concentration, a large segment of the population—primarily what we call the middle class in Brazil—began to feel uncomfortable.

From there, a discourse emerged: ‘I am in this economic situation because there are too many foreigners here.’

That is the European discourse.

It is fascism, the far-right regaining electoral strength. {The Left calling the right facist is a trend, not a fact}

‘Why is there no more employment? Because women entered the job market.’ {women entered the job market globally 50+ years ago - oops}

Misogyny has returned with force.

This rhetoric primarily targets white, heterosexual men over the age of 45.

To combat evil, we must understand its roots. {We do, which how we know it is not the right}}

This sentiment, this resurgence of what used to be dismissed as the "barbecue uncle" discourse, is now the discourse of 20% of Germany and an even higher percentage in Brazil.

Moraes continued his analysis by emphasizing that, while Big Tech companies are not responsible for the underlying sentiments of hatred that arise from economic crises, they have “capitalized on these sentiments and transformed them into a mass indoctrination mechanism” on social media.

These companies already had expertise in the economic field.

They simply expanded their focus.

There were already studies on how algorithms could be directed for economic purposes, to push products onto people.

The major global debate is understanding how algorithms are used on social media.

They are not random.

If you send a message in favor of democracy, a given platform will send it to 5 people.

If you send a message insulting someone, the algorithm will push it to 100,000 people.

Is it like a lottery? No!

Algorithms are ideologically directed to indoctrinate people.

What did this digital populism do?

We cannot eliminate the media, so let’s create a parallel news channel filled with falsehoods that carries the same influence.

Today, Zezinho from the corner, an influencer, spreads fake news, and newspapers have to comment on it just to debunk it.

But by doing so, they already give him credibility.

People no longer know whom to believe.

As Moraes was about to take the podium, one of the event's presiding members stood up holding a sign that read “No Amnesty.”

The phrase, referencing the January 8 detainees (the Brazilian J6 detainees), was met with applause and chants from the audience.

Source 🖇 https://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/vida-e-cidadania/algoritmos-sao-direcionados-ideologicamente-para-doutrinar-pessoas-diz-moraes-em-aula-na-usp/

Our Notes

Immediately, throughout his entire speech as well as his career, he does no wrong.

And he wants everyone to believe he is the only judicial authority, anywhere - even where he has no jurisdiction.

The problems are always the fault of enterprises, influencers, Big Tech, whatever, whomever - but he never controls the narrative… And I have a bridge in New Jersey to sell you too.

As for “algorithms are ideologically directed to indoctrinate people” - so doesn’t the MSM, the controlled narrative of the elitists, globalists, leftists, and progressives… need I continue?

He’s fighting free speech by using the definition of free speech against everyone - only two types of people will agree with him. Those who

  • have never tasted the freedom that allows free speech

  • believe in socialism, communism, real fascism (not the ‘fascism’ he falsely accuses others of exercising), and theocracies.


Did Moraes Just Move His Money Out of the US?

Source: Ancapsu

Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes has allegedly pulled all his assets from the United States.

With lawsuits mounting over his crackdown on tech platforms and pro-censorship rulings, Moraes now faces two court battles in the U.S., and he could be forced to appear in person in one of them.

If he refuses, he risks being judged in absentia.

His sudden financial retreat raises questions: Is he trying to shield his wealth ahead of a major showdown with the U.S. legal system?

As Elon Musk noted on his X account, “Sounds like he is trying to hide his assets.



Brazil’s Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes claims tech giants are using algorithms to push a “fascist ideology,” influence politics, and rake in massive profits.

He says they amplify outrage while silencing voices that threaten their control.

He also took a swipe at X, hinting that Elon Musk’s platform prioritizes engagement over truth.

According to Moraes, Brazil’s middle class is fueling extremism out of frustration with economic decline.

Critics fire back, arguing that Brazilians are angry at the government and that social media isn’t pushing a narrative—Brazilians are simply exposing what they think of the government and the Supreme Court.

Source: FolhaPE

From X…

About the SND List…

The SND List, which stands for Specifically Designated Nationals List, is maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury. This list includes individuals, entities, and countries that are deemed to be a threat to national security and are subject to economic and trade sanctions.

OFAC sanctions countries, institutions, and individuals, and it is the responsibility of companies to ensure they regularly check the OFAC sanctions list to avoid doing business with sanctioned persons, companies, or countries, which could be financially and reputationally damaging.