The Defense For Liberty
As noted by John Adams (archive), the 1st Vice-President and 2nd President of the United States…
Liberty in ANY country, once lost, is lost forever
If you want proof, try finding any country in world history that has regained Liberty once it was lost, past or present, and let us know…
We’ll wait.
As John Adams read more than 350 books on governments throughout world history in preparation for drafting our Constitution, good luck on that one…
Outside of the Roman and Greek empires, and before the United States, there were no Parliamentary or Constitutional Republics – everyone was subject to the whims of their current king or queen.
The Roman and Greek Empires came close but the Emperor had final authority even over the people who were supposed to have all the power.
Checks and balances within a government were new to the world as well as to us as a young country.
On multiple levels, our country is the first to break away from the way countries were governed.
Even today, given the high level of Socialism and focus on NWO, what is hardest for anyone not born in the United States to understand is our pension for Liberty and personal freedoms.
After all, they have made the government their provider of everything, why can’t we?
It is because we know what that does to a country and how that played out before our arrival.
Many, Americans as well as foreigners, will argue we are in territories and sovereignties in which we do not belong — while yet in many cases, it was the people and the threat of losing their liberty that invited us there, not their government.
How do the people of any country that basically cannot defend themselves become a focus of the United States?
Again, Liberty — if what little they have is being taken from them or is under threat of such, including their human rights, then Liberty must be preserved.
History has proven time and time again that liberty, once lost, is lost forever…
Mind you, we are NOT talking about the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and SES (Senior Executive Service) motives we have seen for the last couple of decades – their motives stick out like a sore thumb now that everyone knows about them.
Inherent Rights Are Not Limited To The U.S.
Along with that Liberty is their inherent right provided by the Heavenly Father, whether they believe in Him or not.
Belief is not truth – belief changes by how many times you hear something, and the truth remains eternal.
Most of you reading this have an entirely different belief system than you had 10, 15, or 20 years ago – yet the truth has not changed once.
In case you have not read Thomas Paine – or even worse, do not know who he is thanks to the Liberal education system attempting to indoctrinate our children globally – he captured the essence of maintaining liberty in a quote of his during the formation of our country when they hadn’t a clue if the country they were forming would make it into the next century (only 24 years away) never mind become a world power:
He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
For most conflicts, we have been invited by formal invitation or by witnessing the threat of the people by their government failing at all levels to protect the people, whether intentionally or not…
All of the above buttons open in our online library
Discern The Precedence
The world is a big place and the United States is the only country that has provided this protection of Liberty, even when we include our previous mother country England.
So, should we sit and watch what is happening in foreign lands?
Or should we protect the people to preserve their Liberty at our cost?
If it is the latter, then the United States is defending its liberty
And if it is the former, then the United States will lose its liberty…
Many countries and empires have forced themselves upon the people of foreign countries – the Roman Empire being the longest to exist before the United States, and as of late England as of the past couple of centuries.
Yet neither did so to protect Liberty but to conquer and subdue the people as their subjects – anyone rising against them was in for a brutal beating, including our own Colony establishments of the 1600s and 1700s.
The United States – when under the leadership of a God-fearing President (many were and currently are not) – protected the Liberties of those being threatened to lose them and did so globally at our own expense.
Freedom To Be Intelligent, Wise, As Well As A Fool
Despite the Liberal indoctrination that is going on in our schools, our Founding Fathers were very Godly men (a fact that can be easily verified through documents and personal communications of theirs saved in our National Archives) – God does not interfere with our will and they made sure our laws and Constitution were set up in the same fashion.
Be belligerent if you want, but it is that very Liberty that permits you to be as belligerent… or very intelligent… as you want.
It is, after all, your will.
However, beware of the ripple effect we ALL create – it will be our children who will discover one day that our generation accepted the defense of their Liberty… or denied Liberty to continue and permitted it to be lost forever for a country that needed or needs our assistance…
Again, Liberty, once lost, is lost forever — and that is not why Christ came to save all of us…
Our Founding Fathers knew this from reading a library of books focused specifically on how countries throughout history and how the people of those countries were affected by those that governed.
At the time, only 1 country had been formed with God as its foundation – Israel.
With our Declaration of Independence as well as our Constitution, there are now 2 countries formed with God as its foundation.
God created Israel for His people for He loved them despite their fickleness and disobedience to His word.
The people of the Colonies formed on the North American continent so loved God they formed the USA despite their own fickleness and disobedience to His word.
Aren’t we blessed we have such a gracious God despite our fickleness and disobedience to His word?
Don’t be mistaken – He sees when we are reaching out for Him and when not, and we are treated accordingly as a people.
And just as He does not force His will on us, when we are led by a God-fearing President we do not force our will upon others.
But as God does not allow His people to perish, nor will we allow others to perish…
Once freed, they are at Liberty to form whatever government they so desire – so it isn’t ironic most try to mirror a government of the U.S. and not that of governments that subdue people to their will.
Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where there is the Spirit of the Lord, there is Liberty (NKJV). – 2 Corinthians 3:17
This post was originally published on 06 October 2016 in DecisiveLiberty.News (archive)