Knowing God - Who Is Your God
Knowing About God vs Knowing God Intimately - A Zealous God Prefers Which?
To Know Has Multiple Meanings
‘To know’ in the Bible is not just mental - it is also through the hear, knowing through loving, through passion
Do you know the God of the Bible? Or do you know about the God of the Bible?
Your beliefs matter not - what matters is how you stand with God according to the Bible.
For every 1 verse sharing about God’s love there are 2 verses talking about His wrath - you HAVE been warned…
Are you confusing
ritual with righteousness?
ceremony with conversion?
hype with holiness?
There are about 160 million church members in America - if they were ALL were truly saved, if they knew the God of the Bible, America would not be swimming in this socialist sewer we now have, we would NOT be in this moral dilemma…
Signs of our lack of knowing God comes from our beliefs in
Climate control
Money being the means to the ends of it all
Many claim to be people of faith, but in whom do they believe?
Do you really know the God of the Bible, or do you just know about him?
God sees you right where you are and is using what you’re going through to prepare you for great things.
Go back to the God of the Bible and confess Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Matthew 7:23
Revelation 21:8
Matthew 7:22
Matthew 7:13, 14
John 17:3
Genesis 1:1
Genesis 1:3
Psalm 147:4
Genesis 2:7
Genesis 2:22
Genesis 1:28
Genesis 14:20
Genesis 14:22
Psalm 103:19
Genesis 33:14
Philippians 4:19
Exodus 15:26
Romans 8:37
1 Corinthians 15:55
James 2:19
John 14:27
Ezekiel 48:35
Hebrews 13:5
John 3:16
Romans 1:18
Nahum 1:2-6
2 Corinthians 13:5
2 Corinthians 5:17
Matthew 4:1-11
Philippians 3:8
Philippians 3:10
Four evidences in the Bible that you know God…
Daniel 11:32 - a true Christian takes action
Daniel 1:3-8
Daniel 1:8 - when your faith is being violated, say NO so not to offend the Lord…
Daniel 3:1, 15-30 - when you get into trouble for standing up for righteousness, God does not send someone - He shows up Himself
Daniel 6:4-11
Daniel 6:10 - take bold actions that favor God’s heart
Proverbs 28:1
Exodus 1:15-21
Acts 4:18
Matthew 2:1-2, 8, 12
Ephesians 6:13
1 Timothy 6:12
Matthew 24:13
1 Corinthians 15:57
Jeremiah 20:9 - when you know God, you serve Him with a passion
Psalm 42:1
Matthew 18:8, 9
Philippians 3:8
There is no such thing as a casual Christian - you might as well talk about a heavenly devil or a kosher hog.
There is no such thing as a casual Christian - you are either all in or not in at all…
Can you disobey the government with God’s Blessing?
Yes, when the govt condones what God condemns
Compromise with the world is treason in the courts of heaven