Quick note: our apologies for the late publication of this newsletter, we know from the stats that many of you open this series almost as soon as it arrives. Truth be told, this past week was 10 years since my moving to Brazil to be with who would become wife later that year. We’ve been revisiting experiences and things of the past as well as planning new experiences and things for the future. So, she took precedence for a week and now it’s time for both of us to get back to work. :-)
The search for peace has become an international obsession.
We crave many things, but without peace of mind mere things bring us torment.
With peace, life is beautiful.
Peace is won by adding God into your battle plan!
What you need to constantly remind yourself is the thing that you think is about to destroy you - God can use it to save you!
Scripture Verses
Matthew 16:24
Philippians 4:7
John 11:25
Matthew 10:34
Romans 5:1
Isaiah 57:20-21
Genesis 2:17
Exodus 20:3-17
Matthew 5:9
Romans 5:1
Genesis 3:12-13
1 John 1:9
John 14:27
Luke 2:14
Exodus 20:9
Ephesians 5:22-24
Matthew 5:9
We search for in a book what we do not have in our lives.
What is peace? If you can’t define it you won’t know when you find it.
There is more peace in the battle than there is sitting on the sideline.
We’re trying to get peace of mind without the moral price
Adam failed in his spiritual leadership for letting his wife talk to strange snakes in the garden - what snake are you talking to?
More in the video!