Islam: A Clear and Present Danger
by Garrett O’Brien - Biden's border policies is only fueling 20+ Islamic villages across the country despite anything this administration is saying.
Though this post was originally written 7 years ago, every bit of it is just as relevant today.
Given the porous southern border and the Muslim claims of sending military-age men through that border, men who are coming out of countries like Iran, every bit of it is even more important now than it ever was.
CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations, has managed to keep itself out of the limelight and bury itself in other pressing matters Americans face.
That hardly means they are inactive - if anything they have been one giant sleeper cell and many believe they, along with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, are planning something that could equal or be greater than the 9/11 attacks.
Before you dismiss this, perhaps you need to know about the 25 training camps they have within the lower 48 that have been here since the first term of the Obama administration.
Anyone thinking they have just been sitting idly by or just laying low is taking a very dangerous disposition towards their presence within our borders.
gMail Subscribers: as Google truncates this update,
please click the title to view the entire post.
Getting Grounded
First, be advised there are a LOT of links in this post, mostly to assist you if you are not up to date on recent U.S. history.
If you believe you know better then we challenge you to test your beliefs.
Our biases will distort even the simplest of things and only when we research and test our beliefs, as well as intuition, do we discover how many times we are wrong
What you know falls into 4 ‘boxes’…
what you know you know
what you know you don’t know
what you don’t know you know
what you don’t know you don’t know
But the above assumes everything you know is true.
So, there are actually 2 more ‘boxes’…
what you think or believe you know you know
what you think or believe you know you don’t know
And most of us have been corrected in the course of many events, past and present.
This is exactly what Adam Savage said in providing an answer during his interview with Fox News before filming the final episode of Myth Busters.
His response: what myth was still unsolved?
His response is so true on oh so many levels…
Many know who CAIR and MB are and know what they represent, however for those still in a fog CAIR is an acronym for the Council of American-Islamic Relations and was founded in June 1994 by 3 former officers of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP)
Omar Ahmad (IAP President; became CAIR President) [ PDF (opens in our online library) ]
Nihad Awad (IAP PR Director; became CAIR Secretary & Treasurer) [ IPT (archive) ], and
Rafeeq Jaber (IAP Chicago Chapter President; became CAIR Vice President) [ IPT (archive) ]
MB, short for the Muslim Brotherhood (archive), is a transnational Sunni Islamist organization founded in Egypt by Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna in 1928.
MB gained supporters throughout the Arab world and influenced other Islamist groups such as Hamas with its “model of political activism combined with Islamic charity work”, and in 2012 sponsored the elected political party in Egypt after the January Revolution in 2011.
However, it suffered from periodic government crackdowns for alleged terrorist activities, and as of 2015 is considered a terrorist organization by the governments of Bahrain, Egypt, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
More about both in a moment.
Finally, many thanks to Cher Berens for permission to share her content here.
The Biggest Lie About Islam
Next, something many especially politicians, need to get through their thick heads…
Islam is
>>> N O T <<<
a religion
Islam IS
a theocracy
And we cannot emphasize the condition ‘NOT‘ enough.
Just because the ignorance of a politician calls it a religion does not make it a religion.
There is a HUGE difference between theocracy (archive) and religion (archive)
Christianity and Judaism can never be a theocracy as both the respect and honor of obedience, worshiping, and respect are undertaken of our own free will as commanded by God - none of it is ever demanded; we have free will.
In a theocracy, obedience, worshiping, and respect are demanded at nearly, if not all, levels - all 3 are determined by the church with the government abiding by the church’s wishes; there is no free will.
In this post, we are providing links as often as possible to help you do your own homework – as Substack doesn’t allow us to control how a link opens, we highly recommend right-clicking the link and then left-clicking ‘open in a new tab or window‘ (the wording will vary based upon your system).
We’ve already done most of the homework here and truthfully we have Gigabytes of notes and data that can be scoured for research — all are original source documents.
How We Got Here - Nutshell Version
We’re in this ideology mess today as many, including yours truly up until 2008, blindly relied upon and assumed the 21 minutes of the nightly news, the ‘professional journalists’, and ‘knowledgeable professors’ would do their job without bias and without injecting their own thoughts while in reality they were hiding and are still trying to hide the real facts and evidence all along, many times right in plain sight.
Many of us have discovered that their perspective was skewed and is even more so now as we failed to undertake our own due diligence by not researching the context of their content.
We have also arrived here as the principles that made our country great have been declared biased, racial, incorrect, <put your politically correct excuse here> by politicians who were more interested in protecting their progressive agenda/narrative than they were in doing what they promised in their oath, which is it to preserve and protect our Constitution — without bias, period.
It is now time to either put up or shut up and many with insecurities, for only God knows why, have chosen to whine and bloat more than anything else.
God forbid they shouldn’t have a safe space fully provided for them with plush cushions and all the entitlements they demand.
This is evident from their declaring the ‘truth’ only to squander back to their corner when surrounded by indisputable facts, especially when gained from original source documents - many of which they should have learned in school if it weren’t for a Liberal education system.
Or if not that, then they are pulling out the racism and/or fascist cards and then standing there as if it means something, like a stiff reed in a high wind (which in the end, the wind always wins)…
Racecard holders and accusers are completely ignorant (or stupid) of the fact racism basically expired with the Civil War.
The Jim Crow laws (archive)?
Both are failed Democratic ploys to make the blacks believe racism didn’t expire.
Fascism has been thrown around as a ‘one-name-calling-covers-all’ whenever they so desire - they wouldn’t know fascism if they were already living in it, and they would be the first to whine once they didn’t have the freedom to call everything fascism as real fascism does not have any freedoms nor liberty that they abuse today.
The majority of the people are NOT racist nor fascist — there will always be a few as we can never legislate evil out of existence, as much as we would love to.
We can also thank the influence of the highly bigoted President Woodrow Wilson for rewriting our history to his liking so as to appease his hatred for blacks and anyone who is not a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) – and then forcing schools to abandon their U.S. history textbooks in favor of his work, A History of the American People which he did in 1913 [ PDF copy (opens in our online library)].
Wilson removed the contributions the blacks made to our country from the Colony days up to the year 1900, the year before his 5-volume book was first published.
The biggest rewrite Wilson imposed that remains with us even today is the mostly unbiased views of blacks by our Founding Fathers as well as those who came before us.
One only has to go to a metropolitan library and crack open any U.S. history book printed before 1913 and you will find an entirely different version of our history – I know because I did while in high school.
Blacks were equal to whites, were freemen as well as slaves as were whites, contributed highly to our war for Independence, and after the Civil War taught themselves sufficiently to become elected as Congressmen on their own accord.
In the the painting, Crossing the Delaware, the first person in front of General Washington (3rd man from the bow) is a black man by the name of Prince Whipple - a double-agent spy who the British thought was spying for them on the armies of Washington who instead provided valuable intel to the General.
Does that sound like a contempt for blacks that Wilson has embedded in his rewrite of our history?
The irony of Islam is theocracy is the very thing the Democratic Party (archive) has been fighting against since its inception with Andrew Jackson — however being as it is Islam and not Christian, they once again change the rules to suit their purpose…
This exception to the rule pattern is also very obvious in the Qur’an (archive) — the latter part named Medina overrides the early part of their bible, the Mecca [ more details (archive) ].
Whatever is contradictory in the Quran the Medina part overrides the Mecca part — reason? It was the latest written word to their Quran…
Hmmm… Doesn’t the Torah and Bible build up and support all previous parts of the Bible as opposed to the last writing being what should be respected and honored?
Yeah, THAT…
Now, a look at the major areas that Islam, CAIR, ISIS, and the MB are infiltrating as well as how…
Our Pathetic Education System
Brigitte Gabriel (archive), President and Founder of Act for America, uses original source documents¹ as well as certified copies in her work, she rarely relies upon journalists, authors, or researchers (unless her own vetted team and their work are still vetted before going public), and the others that most likely have not reviewed the context as well as the content of their work.
Since the mid-1990s, our education system has been infiltrated by CAIR…
Brigitte Gabriel: Radical Islam: The Plan To Destroy America From Within: Infiltration (2011)
Anyone who has been following the events of the past decade knows that if anything things have become direr than she portrays here, only 5 years ago – an eye-opening 28-minute video.
Brigitte shares her history as well as the history of the Muslim Brotherhood plans that have been in play for more than a century; her drilling down into their education infiltration (via CAIR) starts at the 21:00 time mark - click the following image to open this video in our Rumble account…
If clicking the image above does not open our video, click here
The document Brigette refers to - An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America, 22 May 1991- is available in PDF format from our online library, the English version is found in the last half of the document…
The Muslim Tet Offensive – Cheri Berens
Background: The VietNam Tet Offensive was one of the largest military campaigns of the VietNam War, launched on January 30, 1968, by forces of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese People’s Army of Vietnam against the forces of South VietNam, the United States, and their allies.
It was a campaign of surprise attacks against military and civilian commands and control centers throughout South Vietnam.
The name of the offensive comes from the Tết holiday, the Vietnamese New Year when the first major attacks took place.
The author of this extract, Cheri Berens, and the post at the end of this link correctly label the Syrian/Muslim refugee crisis of 2015 and 2016.
Cheri is an American Expat who has been living in the Middle East for quite a while, provides first-hand knowledge of what is happening there, and is well aware of the politics played by both the American government and the media.
We do ask you to keep her in your prayers as well.
Europe and the West were and still are being played for what the refugee situation really is — many are focused on the shells and not the shell game, thereby allowing a symbolic yet lethal Trojan horse to enter each country in which the refugees force themselves through their borders… or nonchalantly walk through in other cases.
It is a global Tet Offensive that is being completely ignored by the left, RINOs as well as many conservatives.
And the “refugees” are not wasting any time in making their demands, infiltrating the education systems, raping women, and draining the host country by every means possible, taking their strategy out of Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals [ PDF ], the Cloward-Piven Strategy as well as their own Sharia Law.
An excerpt from her post begins…
Allowing Muslim “refugees” into Western countries—refugees who are primarily male Muslims of fighting age—is simply beyond comprehension and logic. Yet Europe, Canada, Australia, and America, are allowing these people to enter by the tens of thousands.
I believe, with facts to back it, that an Islamist Agenda was put in place in these countries long ago, and these “armies” of Islam, i.e. “refugees”, fit nicely into their agenda. With radicalization going on in mosques in every Western country, including America, the timing is ripe for a Tet Offensive.
Well over 2 million Muslims go to Hajj each year. It’s a massive, well-coordinated “travel event” that takes months of planning and coordination. Ferry boats and other ships, normally used for Hajj, were used to transport the first massive waves of “refugees” to Greece from Turkey. These “refugees” were then shuffled onto trains and buses, which were also well organized and waiting, and which took the “refugees” to Germany, France, and elsewhere in Europe. The first wave of refugees was sudden and quite thorough. It was an organized Hajj-like invasion.
I believe it was a well-planned event to place thousands of “Soldiers of Islam” into Western countries. This massive wave of refugees caught everyone off guard–no one knew it was coming–except for those who participated in the planning (like Turkey, who had ships ready and waiting). Another clue is that most of the first wave of “refugees” had no ID. I believe the majority of them were not Syrian.
ISIS training camps have been “specializing” in suicide bombings for more than a year. There are training camps in many places, including Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Libya, Nigeria, Somalia, and Sinai, to name a few. And though all ISIS members are taught suicide bombing as part of their training, there has been a major focus this last year to train women and children, both girls and boys, for suicide attacks. This means that even women and children “refugees” are a very high-security risk. Why suicide bombings? Because suicide bombings kill the most people. And women and children are least likely to be suspected–they can easily enter a mall or shopping center–even a school, without being suspicious.
Do You Know What CAIR Is Doing In Your State?
How did Islam get to the State level in our country? Through the Federal Government as well as lax State policies that permit the harboring of Enemies of State, aka Sanctuary Cities…
Something Cheri Berens shared recently…
I follow most Muslim Brotherhood (MB) organizations in America on social media. I follow MB mosques, CAIR National, as well as CAIR state branches, and I follow ICNA, ISNA, and MPAC — all powerful MB groups that recruit activists for the pro-Muslim agenda in America. I also follow several of the Muslim Student Associations in our top universities — MIT, Harvard, Georgetown, Yale, and others. There are thousands of activist groups, with thousands of members, who are actively promoting an anti-America, pro-Muslim agenda both nationally and in your state.
All of these organizations have powerful “media” campaigns, some even have “journalist guides” for your local TV stations and newspapers. The guides instruct the media on political correctness; i.e. never use the words terrorist, Islam, or Muslim when reporting crimes, or possible terror attacks, even when these acts are committed by Muslims.
Most all mosques in America have programs that promote conversions to Islam in poor neighborhoods, and prisons, as well as many mosque communities, target women at homeless shelters or battered wife facilities.
At first glance, you think these mosques are helping the poor, the homeless, battered, but on a closer look, when you follow the progress of these programs as I have, you see Islamic classes being given in the poorer neighborhoods and at homeless shelters and recognize that vulnerable sectors of our society are being targeted for conversions to Islam.
Many of these social media sites not only support Black Lives Matter but they create events for Black Lives Matter in coordination with Muslim events. Racial division is very important to CAIR.
Monthly, sometimes weekly visits to prisons are organized by many mosques to convert blacks and Hispanics in prisons. The number of converts in prisons is astronomical, thanks to the hundreds of mosques promoting this endeavor. Many of these converts are in prison for violent behavior. There are at least 22 known jihadi training camps in America. My guess is that many of the more violent recruits will be funneled into various training camps when they are released from prison.
CAIR and the other MB organizations know people look at their websites, therefore they use a lot of deceptive tactics. Many are pushing the word “Love”. Islam has no concept of love in its ideology. On the contrary, hatred and violence towards Christians and Jews is taught throughout the Quran – this hatred towards non-Muslims is a major foundation of Islamic ideology.
Using the word “Love” fools many Americans. It is a large part of the Interfaith scam. The Interfaith concept was started by Muslim Brotherhood members and is used incessantly by CAIR. When CAIR wants signatures on petitions that take away your rights or cause changes in our society—CAIR obtains the backing of Christian and Jewish groups—via the Interfaith scam.
Last year CAIR asked Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate gun shop owners who declared their shops a Muslim Free Zone. CAIR got 50 signatures, all from Christian and Jewish groups, to sign these petitions. The Christian and Jewish groups that belong to these Interfaith groups think they are fighting “discrimination”, but they are being used. The people who will be “discriminated” against via these petition drives will be the American people.
One of the biggest deceptions on these websites, Interfaith organizations, and mosque websites is Quran verse 5:35. If they use this verse you know they are practicing the art of deception and radicalization:
Whoever kills a person, it is as if he has killed all mankind.
Whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind.
You are led to believe the word “person” and “mankind” applies to all people. But what the verse says in its entirety is that if a Jew kills a Muslim, the crime must be treated as if that Jew has killed all Muslims. In other words, a Jew killing a Muslim is a crime of the largest magnitude (hint: think about Israel). This verse is used in mosques worldwide to promote hatred towards Jews and Israel.
These two lines were used as the opening “prayer” for Obama’s Conference on Counterterrorism last year. Counterterrorism? This verse is used in mosques to promote acts of terrorism!
Our US Congress has opened its sessions with this verse — as an opening payer! A prayer! This verse is a threat directly aimed at Jews and all non-Muslims. And since Islamic ideology does not consider Jews or Christians to be equal to “humans” (the Quran calls them apes to designate their lower status), this verse should not be used as a “prayer” by our Congress. This verse states that people are not equal. Muslims have more rights than non-Muslims, as outlined in the Qur’an (women have ½ the rights as men; non-Muslims have no rights, are considered slave status, etc.)
Muslim groups have tremendous power and often enact this power via activism and lawsuits, usually based on “human rights” or accusations of “racism”.
For example, a woman applies for a job. When she applied she did not wear a hijab. But as soon as she is hired she shows up at work wearing a hijab and begins taking personal breaks at prayer times. When the employer says no to the extra “breaks”, she files a lawsuit via CAIR. Then CAIR, using various social media campaigns, rallies Muslims to protest and sign petitions against this act of “racism” and “prejudice” against Muslims. And since employers can’t afford these expensive lawsuits, and because they often do not want the negative press (banks and universities do not want this type of press), they kowtow. Muslim employees are then allowed to take longer and more frequent breaks. They are often allowed special rooms set aside as prayer rooms.
You’ve probably seen the lawsuits brought against supermarkets. Throughout America, Muslims are allowed special check-out lanes because they don’t want to touch a bottle that contains alcohol or a container that contains pork.
Muslims are not supposed to “consume” alcohol or pork, but there is nothing that says they cannot touch a bottle, container, or package containing those substances. The “separate checkout lanes” are orchestrated to give Muslims special rights. Muslim Supremacy is mandated by Islamic Law. This “Supremacy” is mentioned throughout the Quran and is a foundation of Islamic ideology. It is against Islamic Law for non-Muslims to be treated equally with Muslims. Muslims are to be “distinct and separate”. The Quran states very clearly that Muslims are to have more rights than non-Muslims.
CAIR is also creating “hate crimes”. Every year the FBI’s “hate crime” list shows that crimes against Muslims are lower than any other group. Crimes against Jews, blacks, and homosexuals always rank much, much higher than crimes against Muslims. Hate crimes against Muslims are few and always rank lowest on the list. My opinion, after monitoring CAIR for over a year, is that the majority of these recent “hate crimes” against Muslims were created by CAIR to implement new laws regarding “discrimination against Muslims”.
CAIR desperately wants the number of hate crimes to rise. CAIR will use hate crimes to promote their agenda, to take away our basic freedoms, and to make more changes to our Homeland Security and Law Enforcement policies.
These groups claim there is prejudice and hatred towards Muslims and therefore mosques and Muslims must not be monitored. CAIR declares that our suspicions of possible radical behavior, even when valid, are “Islamophobia”, and that “hate” and “prejudice” are the cause of our suspicions. CAIR wants “hate crimes” against Muslims to show up in police reports, which will make hate crimes against Muslims show up in the next FBI hate crime statistics. Once they achieve this new statistic, more Homeland Security and Law Enforcement policies will change yet again to “protect” them.
CAIR is the main group behind Hijab Day at your child’s school or university, and also National Hijab Day. Why are we allowing this to happen? Because schools and universities are afraid of being called Islamophobic. This word was created by CAIR and implemented by various MB groups in universities, and now is a word that is used incessantly by every Muslim activist group.
In January (2016), CAIR National announced the following regarding their affiliate, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC): “MPAC’s Hollywood Bureau will meet with entertainment executives regularly and often, and attend all events, such as the Sundance Film Festival, to further help move our cause forward.”
Not long after this announcement, the Sundance Film Festival was held, and various movie stars, directors, and producers made statements to the press, that America was racist. One example was Danny DeVito, who said this in an interview at the Sundance Festival: “The entire country is a racist country … We’re living in a country that discriminates … generally speaking, we’re a bunch of racists.”
Not long after the Sundance Festival, Obama visited a Muslim Brotherhood mosque and held a press conference. Obama said that Americans form a “hugely distorted impression” of Muslims based on TV, film, and negative news reporting. He said that the film industry must start promoting a good image of Muslims. Obama called for “writers and producers to create more rounded Muslim characters on television”. Within a few days after Obama made those statements, Secretary of State John Kerry met with film industry heads and said that ISIS should be battled by using the film industry.
We will soon see changes in children’s shows, TV programming, and movies. The Muslim agenda will soon be seen in a vast array of film media. And it won’t be about “fighting ISIS”. No, instead there will be a noticeable promotion of head-scarfed girls and other pro-Muslim agendas to make Islam seem desirable and harmless. Our children and grandchildren will be slowly brainwashed.
CAIR state branches constantly announce “events”. They have petition campaigns and rallies at courthouses, and they invite Islamic speakers to speak about “Muslim Issues”. Following your local CAIR branch is informative. For example, Oklahoma, just hosted “Muslim Day at the Capitol”. Guest speakers discussed these topics:
Oklahoma’s Public Education (they want to make changes that are more pro-Islam)
The 10 Commandments, Sharia Law, and the Separation of Church and State (they want to insert Islamic Law into government)
I Stand With Ahmed and Black Lives Matter: How Social Media Helps Achieve Cultural Change
A keyword used in one of the topics above was “Cultural Change”. This is one of their main goals: changing Western culture to Islamic culture.
Do you want to participate in ending this slow progression of “take-over”? Then follow CAIR's social media sites. At the bottom of the attached webpage, I’ve listed state-by-state info. Also, on the link are additional Islamic terms used to fool Americans so you will know what Muslim groups really mean when they use certain terms. For example, Terrorism: Terrorism is only when a Muslim is killed (see how you can be misled by their terminology?).
JaMaat Al-Fuqra In the United States
Knowledge is power - know what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing in your state as they have compounds, villages, and communes in more than 20 locations throughout the United States.
Below is a map as displayed on the website (archive).
The ideology of Jamaat ul-Fuqra/Muslims of America (MOA), funded and guided by the Muslim Brotherhood, is rooted in firm devotion to Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, a secretive Islamist cleric in Pakistan who claims to be a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.
Jamaat ul-Fuqra is an Islamic terrorist group organized in the 1980s; that seeks to purify Islam through violence; the cells in North America and the Caribbean insulate themselves from Western culture and will even attack other Muslims whom they regard as heretics.
Click on the map to visit their page and you will discover what they are doing in your state (blue indicates an inactive state, as of this post)…
Purple: camp/compound location. Significant activity
Green: activity by Fuqra and significant ties to the State; possible compound location unconfirmed
Brown: Fuqra links/ties to the State
Now, throw in the lack of any control on our southern border
and we have a very big concern that needs to be addressed.
Keeping Track of Islam In the United States
The Furqa Files is maintained by Ryan Mauro - Mauro was originally hired as an international security analyst when he was 16 years old.
Shortly after, his research led to 2 speaking engagements at the International Intelligence Summit, billed as the most prestigious conference of its kind.
The event’s material, including Mauro’s bio, was found inside Usama Bin Laden’s Pakistan compound.
Mauro has learned the ideology of radical Islam directly by earning a certificate in Islamic Studies from an online extremist school based overseas.
He independently advises U.S. government agencies, counter-terrorism personnel, policymakers, congressional offices, and political campaigns for both major parties.
He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Intelligence Studies, a Master’s degree in Political Science, and a Graduate Certificate in Middle East Studies, all from American Military University.
He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice with a Homeland Security specialization from Walden University.
His research trips have repeatedly brought him to Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, and Israel.
In addition to his national security work, he is also the President of the Doubting Thomas Research Foundation, a non-profit research foundation that researches possible reconciliations between Biblical history and modern understandings of science and archaeology.
For a map of the terrorist network in the United States (1991-2020), click the button below…
From ZeroHedge…
Hamas Ally CAIR Has Been Operating With Impunity
Inside America For 30 Years
“The seeds for 9/11 were planted in 1948,” according to a draft of a “Proposed Muslim Platform” found at CAIR’s headquarters. “A resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict needs to be based on recognizing and correcting the harm that was done to the Palestinians since 1948,” when the United Nations partitioned land for Israel.
Guandolo said Hamas proved just how dangerous it is on Oct. 7. He warned that the terrorist group has already penetrated American society, and CAIR is the tip of the spear.
“Currently, CAIR is directing efforts at the ground level across the United States with organizations known for violent extremism,” he added in a recent interview with RealClearInvestigations. “Again, the FBI is doing nothing to adhere to their oaths of office and protect the American people.”
Putting All This Into Context
Let’s start with some terminology you should know, as is defined by Islam and uses such to manipulate your thinking (with much thanks to Cheri Berens)…
Terrorism: Terrorism is only when a Muslim is killed.
Innocent: Only a Muslim can be innocent; non-Muslims are never innocent, they are always guilty of not following Islamic Law or not subordinating to Muslims.
Freedom: Only Islamic Law can lead to true freedom.
Justice: Justice can only be obtained via Islamic Law.
Peace: Peace can only occur when Islam takes over the entire population of the world and Islamic Law is implemented on all people.
According to Islamic Ideology, the following terms have dual meanings…
Jihad and Peace
Islamic Doctrine defines Jihad as “warfare against non-Muslims”.
Islam divides the world into two: Dar al-Islam (the House of Peace) and Dar al-Harb (the House of War).
When there is Islamic Law and Islamic Rule, this is Dar al-Islam (house of peace);
the rest of the world, countries not abiding by Islamic Law and Islamic Rule, is the Dar al-Harb (house of war) where jihad must occur.The goal of Islam is to make Dar al-Harb non-existent until the entire world is Dar al-Islam.
Only then will there be “Peace” (under Islamic Law and Rule).
And only then will there be no need for Jihad (war against non-Muslims), because there will no longer be anyone but Muslims.
Terrorism is defined as killing a Muslim “without any right to do so” (an eye for an eye is ok–that is a “right” for Muslims); killing a Muslim is considered terrorism; if you kill a non-Muslim, say a Christian or a Jew — that is NOT considered terrorism; the San Bernardino and Paris attacks are not considered acts of “terrorism”; killing Jews in Israel is not considered an act of terrorism.
So a Muslim will say “terrorism is against Islam” and therefore mislead us into thinking Muslims are against terrorism, but what they really mean is that they are against killing Muslims. Terrorism is only when a Muslim is killed.
Suicide and Martyrdom
Muslims are forbidden to commit suicide but martyrdom, being killed in Jihad, is a direct admittance to Paradise; so a Muslim will claim that ‘suicide’ is not allowed in Islam, to fool you into thinking Muslims are against “suicide bombings”, yet all Muslims know that a suicide bombing in the name of jihad is considered admirable; when there is a suicide bombing that kills many people, Muslims will not condemn it; they are “silent” and this is why.
Where CAIR And The MB Can Be Found In Your State
This list was compiled and permission was granted for sharing by Cheri Berens… Feel free to copy and share as well! If you have any updates to any location in this listing, please let us know in the comments…
CAIR National on Twitter: @CAIRNational
CAIR National website:
Alabama @cair_al
Alaska use National: @CAIRNational website:
A massive Islamic Center is being built in Anchorage.
They advertise Quran schools and the teaching of Islamic Law.
Arizona @CAIRAZ
Arkansas use National: @CAIRNational CAIR National website:
CAIR is in the process of forming an Arkansas branch.
Meanwhile, CAIR national has gone on full blown attack mode in Arkansas because of the shooting range owner who declared its business a “Muslim Free Zone”.
@CAIRLA Los Angeles
@CAIRSFBA San Francisco / Bay Area
@CAIRSacramento Sacramento
@CAIRSanDiego Dan Diego
Colorado use National: @CAIRNational website:
While there is no Colorado branch, CAIR national is creating ways to make Muslims have more rights than non-Muslims in Colorado, primarily in the workplace.
Connecticut CAIR Connecticut’s website:
National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR National is sponsoring workshops at Connecticut mosques that teach Muslims what to say to the police, government officials, airport personnel, law enforcement, and others.
uses CAIR National and CAIR Pennsylvania (which for now is taking care of Delaware) National: @CAIRNational website:
Use National: @CAIRNational website:
No branch yet, but CAIR national is bringing lawsuits against various Hawaiian workplaces, and radio stations, and reporting “hate” crimes.
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national has been interfering with the passage of laws banning “foreign laws”; i.e. Islamic Law.
There were many comments about Idaho on the CAIR Twitter feed such as:
“Another backward state of potato farmers. We need to keep sending people to America to have large families, to replace these idiots so that in a few decades, they will be the minority and won’t be able to do anything about it.”
Additional info:
Chicago Islamic Center
The center’s imam preaches that Muslims should wage violent jihad to destroy Israel and that paradise awaits those who die fighting.
The director of CAIR-Chicago has consistently defended organizations affiliated with Hamas and the Brotherhood.
Chicago Muslim Student Association (MSA)
Abdel Malik Ali led a ‘pledge of allegiance’ at a MSA event stating: “Jihad is my spirit… I will die to establish Islam”
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national is posting many cries of Islamophobia and hate crimes accusations in Indiana.
CAIR Iowa is promoting the allowance of Syrian “refugees” via Interfaith communities.
Islamic Center of Cedar Rapids
The center’s website stated that it received donations from Saudi King Faisal, the Kuwaiti government, and the Libyan government.
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR has an official office in Lexington, but no individual website or Twitter as of yet.
Additional info:
The chapter’s leader was recorded saying, “Ultimately we Muslims can never be full citizens of this country.”
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national is pushing the hate crimes issue in Louisiana.
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national tried to get prayer rooms in public schools in Maine
It is also asking its followers to find reasons to cry about Islamophobia in Maine
Uses the DC branch and National branch - @CAIRNational website:
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CAIR has been pushing for Muslim holidays to be observed in Maryland schools, while simultaneously working to remove Christian and Jewish holiday observance.
CAIR Maryland’s 2013 banquet featured CAIR national executive director Nihad Awad, who made statements in support of Hamas at the event.
CAIR Michigan is filing many lawsuits to silence critics
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Mishkah Islamic University of North America (located in Minnesota)
Sheikh Omar Shahin, who was on the Board of Trustees, raised money for al-Qaeda and Hamas.
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national is promoting accusations of hate crimes in Mississippi.
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
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Nationally, school districts are quick to please CAIR and other Islamic organizations to force teachers who distribute factual information to students regarding Islam to either resign or be fired; this is what CAIR National is trying to do in Montana right now
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR National just got a big win for allowing hijab in Nebraska banks
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
There is an office in Las Vegas and they are very active, they use the national and the main website for notices.
New Hampshire
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national and their main website is pushing lawsuits against New Hampshire businesses that are “Muslim Free”; if you are in New Hampshire, you need to support these local businesses.
New Jersey
CAIR New Jersey is pushing headscarves, Islamophobia, and hate crimes.
CAIR New Jersey’s Magdy Mahmoud, one of the founders, has a Facebook page supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Islamic Center of Jersey City (ICJC) has a history of links to extremism.
The president of ICJC is a Muslim Brotherhood supporter. His Facebook page used to have a photo of him at a rally in New York City for Egyptian ex-President Mohammed Morsi. He also “liked” the Muslim Brotherhood on three Arabic pages and repeatedly shared Brotherhood photos on his page.
New Mexico
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
New York
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An affiliate of CAIR New York is the Arab-American Association of New York (AAANY)
AAANY ferociously attacks anyone bringing attention to Islamic extremism.
AAANY lists Qatar Foundation International as a supporter. The Foundation is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and is supportive of Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi, the terrorism-advocating spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Deposit, NY is a location of Muslims of the Americas, whose headquarters is at Islamberg, New York. The Muslims of the Americans was created by the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood. A 2004 report funded by the Justice Department identifies Deposit, New York as having a jihadi “training compound” for Muslims of the Americas. FBI records confirm that MOA members have been involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings and one attempted bombing.
North Carolina
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
North Dakota
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
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In 2015, CAIR managed to get a Muslim imam to lead a prayer at the North Dakota House opening floor session on Ash Wednesday. Why a Muslim instead of a Christian on Ash Wednesday? Because CAIR has power. Fortunately, the Muslim prayer was canceled, but CAIR demanded an apology! Knowing about these events means you can do something.
CAIR Oklahoma campaigned against legislation requiring public schools to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Muslims of the Americas—Talihina, OK
Talihina, Oklahoma is a location of a jihadi training camp run by the extremist group Muslims of the Americas.
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national is pushing Islamophobia in Oregon.
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Islamic Center of Portland’s imam was one of the founders of the Global Relief Foundation, a charity that was shut down by the U.S. government for financing al-Qaeda.
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The mosque at the Islamic Society of Central Pennsylvania is connected to many Muslim organizations that are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and the mosque has promoted extremism.
United Muslim Masjid / United Muslim Movement
The movement was founded by Kenneth Gamble (now known as Luqman Abdul-Haqq), who was a follower of the Nation of Islam.
Rhode Island
uses national and also Massachusetts National: @CAIRNational website:
On February 22, 2016, the Massachusetts chapter of CAIR held a news conference with interfaith partners and elected officials at the Rhode Island State House to show support for Governor Gina Raimondo’s welcoming response to Syrian refugees in that state. Gov. Raimondo said she would welcome the refugees.
South Carolina
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national posted on 1/29/16 – CAIR today called on the South Carolina General Assembly to drop an unconstitutional, anti-Islam bill (H. 3521) currently moving through that body because it violates the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The bill’s sponsors, and the text of the legislation, make clear it is designed to attack the religious principles of Islam.
South Dakota
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national is pushing for more mosques in South Dakota. Follow CAIR so you can stop this.
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
Islamville –Tennessee’s Islamville is a jihadi training camp run by the extremist group Muslims of the Americas (which was created by the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood).
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Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH)
ISGH is part of the Islamic Society of North America and it’s title is held by the North American Islamic Trust, both Muslim Brotherhood organizations. The Islamic Society of Greater Houston says it is “the largest Islamic Society in North America” and that it operates 19 separate mosques and 6 full-time Islamic Law schools.
CAIR – Houston’s president, Tarek Hussein, was named by Egyptian authorities to be a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR National is very active in Vermont.
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
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Muslims of the Americas—Meherrin, Virginia
Meherrin is the location of a 25-acre jihadi training camp run by the extremist group Muslims of the Americas (which was created the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood).
West Virginia
use National: @CAIRNational website:
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR National is promoting prayer rooms at various Wisconsin businesses
uses National: @CAIRNational website:
CAIR national is pushing mosque building in Wisconsin
We are where we are as we have permitted all this
And what we tolerate, we can’t change….
CAIR and the MB is obviously relying on the passivity and ignorance of the American people to continue their offensive.
But that isn’t the point of this post.
The point is this…
Now that you know all this,
what actions are you going to take
today, tomorrow, and all the tomorrows
it takes to take our country back and
force CAIR, MB, and Islam
out of our country?
¹ Original source documents (OSDs) differ from source documents. OSDs are the original writings of any author and not any interpretations from subsequent authors. Subsequent authors, no matter how good their intent, will have their own biases caused by their own experiences within their content. Throw in a long timeline and multiple authors and the original source document will differ from the latest document quite extensively. If you want to see something of this in action, the next time you are at a party of 10 or more (the more the better this will work out). Have everyone form a circle save for one person. That person is to write a random original thought down on paper and then whisper it into one person’s ear, dictating that thought verbatim. That person then whispers it to the person on either side of him, initiating a direction of the flow of whispers. Each person is to receive the whisper and then repeat what they heard to the other person next to them. When the last person receives his whisper, he is to write it down on paper and then hand it to the person who has the original thought on paper. That person is to read his thought first then the thought just provided to him. They are never the same and usually quite off the mark. Understand now why original source documents are the best source information as opposed to any source document? Many times writers, especially the big publishers, will choose source documents based on the view they want to present - which is one of the major reasons why self-publishing took off so rapidly despite the need for a lot of self-marketing.
originally published 05-Mar-2016 in DecisiveLiberty.News (archive)