
Is the Idaho Government Targeting Potato Farmers?

Well, the answer is not as easy as yes or no...

We’re sure when this video was recorded it was well past harvesting season for Idaho potatoes.

A quick review of what we discovered when querying this situation on the internet found the folllowing…

There was a water curltailment order issued by the Idaho Department of Resources in late Spring - what was baffling everybody was the order was issued during a very good water year.

Claims were levied by the government that farmers were not planning properly and water had to be pulled in from another area.

A few farmers fired back that the cloud seeding had sent the rain further south leaving the north lands dryer than usual.

Hmmm, seems someone in the geoengineering department couldn’t read a map or could not care less what they were doing as long as they were producing rain - truthfully, we don’t know.

What is definite is someone messed up royally - and it wasn’t the farmers as they had good water years before without a problem, lending weight to this was possibly a test on reactions.

About 6 weeks after the order was levied, it was lifted - though we are quite sure there were, we did not see any damage reports as a result of 6 weeks without water.

So, the video was a warning to all some time late May, early June and most likely sent a people scurrying when it is being shared much later in the year, especially those who haven’t a clue about farming.

All this is giving creedence that we all need to document the publication of content and videos with a date of publication, including year, locatoin, date, and source - otherwise a lot of people, not being the wiser, are going to be getting their all their feathers ruffled for no reason.

We can’t trust the MSM - if we want to be rid of them once and for all, we have to prove we can share information that can be traced back for credit as well as verification.

All this proves once again that the answer to this question is always in the affirmative…

Have you ever noticed the guilty are ALWAYS the least affected by their actions?