Is General Flynn Right? Do We Have to Rely Solely on the Government for 2024?
What are those 9 worst words you can ever hear again?
I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
We’re challenging the stance that General Flynn has shared in his latest work published in The Western Journal on Thursday, 4-May-2023…
If you missed it, click here (archive)
Op-Ed - General Flynn Exclusive: We’re Not Going to Win 2024 but the Governors Can Change Everything
This was published just 3 days after the cherished day of May 1st of every Socialist and Communist country ever since the Bolshevik Revolution.
Where we at Decisive Liberty differ from General Flynn, is this…
We as a people should know by now to NEVER rely upon our government to change ANYthing…
If we are not aware of even this much from the last 6+ years then all those buried in Arlington National Cemetery and American military cemeteries globally were in vain… as are the cemeteries of every great empire… as we are going to lose our country.
We are beyond the “think about it” stage - we have been in the “do something about it” stage for more than 2 years, and truthfully even much longer…
The enemy is cunning - and many have awakened to this fact…
They have learned to infiltrate and chip away slowly at our character, ourselves, our family, our community, our government…
And if we want to keep our republic we need to reclaim AND OWN what they have taken from us, starting in the same order - our character, ourselves, our family, our community, our government…
We visit the social media platforms daily and as of late there isn’t a day where we are lambasting more than one person on all the platforms for being a negative foul-mouthed so-called Conservative all while touting, even worshiping, Trump as the greatest President ever (that honor has already been claimed and never matched by George Washington, even by Trump).
When we come across such people we tell them they can't have it both ways, to shut their mouths, and either put up or shut the f*** up...
Those that know us for a while know we’re not in the habit of swearing nor of lashing out at the lame but lately it seems unless you shock someone they are too busy being self-righteous instead of righteous which is not going to resolve anything save show the world Conservatives are just as pathetic as Liberals.
And truthfully, more of us need to be doing the same thing to what we see - not saying something, not doing something, even if it is outside our comfort zone, is the last thing any true God-loving American should be doing right now least regret becomes our best friend.
The path to victory doesn’t start outside ourselves but within ourselves by reclaiming good character and ourselves.
Failing to do so will only frustrate and even cause a failure in reclaiming our family, our community, and our government…
Given what we see on social media platforms, for many this will mean either learning or relearning what good character truly is… and we suggest you start learning NOW…
If you haven’t noticed, let us fill you in on something universal - when it comes to anything good, just seek it and you will find it. It never comes on a silver platter nor is easy to seek but it does come.
And working on yourself while helping others where they have a need is the fastest way through all this.
And to those that need to be told, you do this without sacrificing your own protection and safety - seems way too many wear their heart on their sleeves about this and that is not what it is about. If you can’t provide for and protect yourself how on God’s green earth can you expect to do the same for others?
This is going to mean getting out of your comfort zone - don’t go looking for trouble, it will find you however stand up to it and pushback when it does and do so in good character.
The first time you do this it will be the biggest battle you have ever faced as you will be fighting every means to resort to the familiar bad character ways.
But we digress from our original reason for posting this…
General Flynn is technically correct - almost…
Our Governors have only started to step up - and whether you like him or not, Florida governor DeSantis started all this causing others to follow.
If you focus on what they haven’t done, they will never get anything done that will make you happy - so cut the crap on that focus and focus on what they are doing right, call them out verbally via every means possible on things that matter not on things you feel they should be doing.
We say almost, as there are still 3 factors General Flynn has not taken into consideration with his post.
The 1st factor is the will of the people - there are many stepping up, but only stepping up. When it comes time to swing the bat they end up just watch the ball fly over the plate whilst being critical of the ball being dirty, the ball not being just right, the ball isn’t to their liking…
The ball isn’t the problem - your not taking a swing is…
Too many KNOW that this is our last chance to save our country - and knowing that it is and having that in your heart are two way different things.
Being decisive is still a foreign trait to way too many Americans… pathetically, even now…
There hasn’t been the equal of the level of God-fearing, heartfelt, collective brainpower since our Founding Fathers wrote both our Declaration of Independence as well as our Constitution.
They had studied every empire and civilization that was available in more than 300+ books (bought and share by James Adams) before and while writing our Constitution as well as our Declaration of Independence.
It wasn’t any government nor military that did this - it. was. the. people.
The 2nd factor is our military - Gen Flynn is one of 800+ top brass that are still working in the background (along with Maj Gen Vallely and a few others that have been speaking up publicly) - thank God for that much.
The government is going to fail but our Constitution will not - and it does not need to be changed.
Up until the 20th century, the amendments filled in the gaps but since then they have been very political in nature and we believe they should be reviewed for their relevancy by We the People as well as the best legal minds we can find at a later day as we have way too many very urgent matters on our plate right now.
Our military is not sworn to protect the President though that is one of their duties nor have they sworn to protect our government though that is also one of their duties.
They have sworn to uphold and protect our Constitution - period.
As Milley and others have proven, there are those in the military who haven’t been able to determine whether to scratch their watch or wind their butts when it comes to proper military leadership - but there are plenty of top brass that do.
We stopped honoring him with a title from the day he decided to leave a plethora of top-shelf military equipment behind in Afghanistan - and the same for others as soon as they shine their stupidity for all to see.
Thank God, however, for the rest - both retired and active - that have maintained their oath to our Constitution.
Everyone needs to understand what our Constitution says about our military.
Military defense receives not only explicit constitutional mentions but also more emphasis than any other purpose of government - Article I, Section 8 enumerates the powers of Congress in 17 separate clauses, 6 of these pertain to national defense.
These include raising and supporting armies and a navy, making the rules that govern the armed forces, and organizing, arming, and disciplining the state-level militia as well as the army and navy.
This all lead to one thing.
If the government jeopardizes our military in any way - and they have been with the Clintons, Bushes, Obama, and Biden - then the military has a constitutional right to defend itself from our government.
And that includes those that do the same from within our military.
They also know that they should only do so when it has been proven that there is no other option - which means it comes down to We the People either doing something or failing to doing anything that will prove we want to keep our Republic.
Last factor - if you’re scratching your watch and winding your butt about what this one could be then shame on you…
There are only 2 countries that have God as part of their foundation as well as within their pillar documents.
Israel was founded by God for the people He loves…
And the U.S. was founded by the people who love God.
There is more than ample evidence within the the Bible of what happens when that love by Israel waned and wondered away - it is no difference for the U.S.
Not protecting the unborn as well as our children, abominable lifestyles, self before others, failure to protect what has been God given have gotten us to this point - and yet, there are those claiming to be Patriots who refuse to be decisive and refuse to step out of their comfort zone to protect the future of not only our country but more importantly our children, our grand children, our future…
Most of us are children of the Greatest Generation - and we’re collectively nothing but a bunch of spoiled brats that wait for someone else to do the dirty work or for someone else to do it all for us.
THAT is a failure of our own making — when you let God slip out, then what are expecting the devil to do, wait for an invite?
For God as well as for the devil, when one is vacated the other steps in - only with God He must be invited.
He never, ever interferes with our will — ever…
And though prayer is a good thing, it is never enough…
Throughout the Bible is was action, decisive action, that permitted God to take action…
You can pray all you want as He will eventually answer them if it is in His will, but if you really want to get His attention then taking action is the ONLY way that He will take action sooner than later…
From what we have been seeing on social media, that action is increasing - but not enough… There are still way too many idiots waiting for others to do something all while the mouth off on how pathetic the times are, how hopeless the times are, how they wish things were going down differently… and yet, doing absolutely nothing about what they are complaining about.
It is way long past time to tell such so-called Conservative to put up or shut up.
For everyone, getting themselves right with God is still yet to be evidenced - and their fruits show it, their tongue and heart provide the evidence.
Ever notice you can’t help others without your own weaknesses popping up all over the place?
No one ever sharpened a knife on a sponge, no one ever became a better person by avoiding convictions either…
And Lord knows, we need as many people confronting their convictions now…
Proper action is the only way to overcome those convictions, fear has nothing to do with success only with failure…
Know the difference between freedom and liberty
The Bible defines liberty as the presence of the Spirit of God in 2 Cor 3:17…
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.
Watch yourself when it comes to the usage of freedom versus liberty - the word ‘freedom’ did not exist at the time of Paul’s writing and didn’t come about for another 1300+ years. The words ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’ are NOT interchangeable - freedom pertains to the person, liberty pertains to the people and this is played upon by Liberals as they know you haven’t discerned the difference.
And if you want true Liberty, you know where to find it.
For the atheists and agnostics, we have 2 questions for you - Is it far better to pursue Him only to find out when you die you were right? or far better to continue your belief only to find out when you die He does exist?
Know that we agree with General Flynn's points in his post - we just believe we need to stop looking elsewhere save from within to resolve our problems... ANY problems for that matter, but given the lack of trust with government we believe the General made a major faux pas...