Injuries & Deaths by So-Called Vaccines
La Quinta Columna, located in Spain, is providing video testimonies of those injured and of families who have experienced death as a result of the Big Pharma so-called vaccines...
And we will be mirroring those videos on our Rumble account.
As YouTube would automatically shut any account down speaking up against Big Pharma, you have to wonder how much influence Big Pharma has over Big Tech.
Given Pfizer’s status of being the most heavily fined and penalized Big Pharma organization ever and yet remains the FDA’s pet organization, one has to wonder just how much influence Pfizer has over most of our politicians.
The only way to stop them is to expose them and push back HARD, starting with educating the general populace as to what is really happening.
The more the general populace knows, the less likely someone will end up like any of those that will be in these videos.
Neither La Quinta Columna (the 5th Column) nor we have a clue how many of these videos will be available in the future but knowing Ricardo (the founder of LQC), they will be exposed as much as possible.
We will provide a video both on our blog as well as our substack - it is VERY important that these posts are shared everywhere.
It is the first step in fighting back - not sharing something that is purposely causing injuries and deaths is an omission, which makes the people refusing to share such just as guilty as Big Pharma who is the root cause for all the harm, violations of medical rights as well as violations of human rights.
What Big Pharma is doing is attempting to circumvent the Nuremberg Code - of which the guilty face the death penalty. International judicial trials are already underway but they can not do this alone - they need an educated populace to assist them.
Collective local actions always have national and, if large enough collectively, global impacts as well.
VIDEO: LQC Vax Testimony 00
Click on the image to view the video, will open in our rumble account…
duration 6m 58s
You can send La Quinta Columna your testimony so that they can translate it into several languages and make it known to the whole world, thus making sure there is plenty of opportunity for everyone to know what is really happening, and how all of us have all been deceived.
✉️ Click here to send LCQ an email
🗳 Click here to collaborate with La Quinta Columna (you can use your native language)
About La Quinta Columna
LA QUINTA COLUMNA is a movement of FREE THOUGHT, a website of REFLECTION, of critical thinking of a creative nature, current news and dissemination of topics of interest apart from the current indiscriminate CENSORSHIP.
THE FIFTH COLUMN has as its primary objective to show REALITY, however uncomfortable the TRUTH may result from the nature of the events or news in which it participates, without being subject to damages and conflicts of economic, moral, ethical, political, religious interest, ideological or otherwise.
To add to what Ricardo has posted to his about page (display just above), professionally, La Quinta Columna (LCQ) is a bioanalysis organization. They have been on top of researching and investigating both the so-called virus called COVID and the so-called vaccines from Big Pharma. The also hold conversations via recorded video with other professionals who have been making their own discoveries as well as expanded upon LCQ’s discoveries. The documentation is superb and you won’t find them being honored nor respected by any media that is protecting the cultists who call themselves globalists. LCQ maintains a very active video online library and well worth researching their work for your own content and education.
About Ricardo Delgado Martín, founder
Graduated in Statistics from the University of Seville. Master of specialization in Biostatistics. Postgraduate in Health Biology: Clinical Microbiology, Epidemiology and Clinical Immunology Applied by the Miguel de Cervantes European University. University Expert in Clinical Genetics from the Antonio de Nebrija University. Certificate of Scientific Contribution from the University of Seville and the S.I.P.I.E. Postgraduate Master in Child Psychology. Master in Banking and Finance from the Higher Institute of Banking Techniques and Practices. Master in Personal Training.