If Your Candidate, Elected Official, or Surgeon General Is Not On This List...
How Many More C19 Vax Injuries and Deaths Will It Take?
via Mary Talley Brown, MD (@MdBreathe, X tweet)
We now have 75 candidates, 60 elected officials, and 1 Surgeon General from 27 states publicly stating the COVID shots must be pulled off the market.
Many are also pledging not to take donations from Big Pharma.
More than 17,000 physicians stand behind them.
gMail subscribers - click the headlines to view the entire post as Google will truncate this
States with the most elected representatives:
New Hampshire (22)
Kentucky (11)
State with the most candidates running for office:
Texas (30)
Newest Adds:
Rep Jeff Shipley @JeffShipley77 IA HD 87
Sonya Jones Fort Bend Texas ISD School Board
DB Fugate @FugateDb candidate US House FL-22
Chris Coulombe @ChrisToCongress candidate US House CA-2
Dennis London @LondonForTX candidate TX HD33
Ask your representatives why they aren't on the list.
In Office:
Florida (1)
Dr. Joe Ladapo @FLSurgeonGen Surgeon General
Georgia (1)
Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene @RepMTG US House GA
Idaho (5)
Sen Tammy Nichols @nichols_senator ID SD10
Sen Glenneda Zuiderveld @Zglennevere ID SD24
Rep Joe Alfieri @JoeForIdaho ID HD4
Rep Karey Hanks @kareyforidaho ID HD55
Rep Jacyn Gallagher @jacynforidaho ID HD9
Kansas (1)
Rep Mike Murphy @Murphy4KS KS HD114
Kentucky (11)
Rep Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie US House KY4
Rep Steve Rawlings KY HD66
Rep Adrienne Southworth @Senate7Ky KY SD7
Rep Steve Doan @SteveDoanLaw KY HD69
Rep Savannah Maddox @SavannahLMaddox KY HD61
Rep Marianne Proctor @MarianneProc60 KY HD60
Rep Candy Massaroni @CandyMassaroni KY HD50
Rep Felicia Rabourn @felicia_rabourn KY HD47
Rep Emily Callaway @Miz_EmC KY HD37
Rep Josh Calloway @callowayforKY KY HD10
Rep Lindsey Trichenor @tichenor4ky KY HD6
Michigan (5)
Rep James DeSana @jim_desana HD29
Rep Angela Rigas @RepRigas MI HD79
Rep Brad Paquette @BradPaquetteMI MI HD37
Rep Matthew Maddock @matthewmaddock MI HD51
Rep Jaime Greene @jaimegreene65 MI HD65
Minnesota (2)
Sen Glenn Gruenhagen @GlennGruenhagen MN SD18b
Rep Shane Mekeland @ShaneMekeland MN HD27A
New Hampshire (13)
Rep Jeff Tenczar @TCBElvis77 NH Pelham 1
Rep Kristin Noble @KristinNobleNH NH Bedford
Rep Mike Belcher @MikeBelcher14 NH Carroll 4
Rep Tom Mannion @mannion4nh NH Pelham 1
Rep JR Hoell @JRHoellNH Merrimack 27
Rep Shane Sirois @repshanesirois NH Hillsborough 32
Rep Kelley Potenza @KelleyPotenza NH Stratford 19
Rep Nikki McCarter @NikkiforNH NH Belknap 8
Rep Matt Coulon @NHRepForFreedom NH Grafton 5
Rep Alicia Lekas @lishlekas NH Hillsborough 38
Rep Emily Phillips @NHRepPhillips NH Rockingham 7
Rep Tony Lekas @tony_lekas NH Hillsborough 38
Rep Jason Gerhard @JasonGerhardNH NH Merrimack25
Rep Stephen Kennedy NH Hillsborough 13
Rep Diane Kelley NH Hillsborough 32
Rep Mike Drago NH Rockingham 4
Rep Barbara Comtois NH Belknap 7
Rep Aidan Ankarberg NH Strafford 7
Rep Leah Cushman @LeahCushmanNH NH Hillsborough 28
Rep Sandra Panek @TouchOfKi1 NH Hillsborough 1
Rep Yury Polozov @polozov NH Merrimack 10
Rep Claudine Burnham @cburn156 NH Strafford2
New Jersey (2)
Yehuda Miller @yehuda_miller NJ Rep Cty Committee
Sen Edward Durr @EdTheTruckerNJ NJ LD3
North Carolina (1)
Rep Eric Stevenson @EricStevensonNC US House NC-13
Ohio (1)
Rep Jennifer Gross @jenniferforrep OH HD45
Oklahoma (1)
Rep Kevin McDugle @kmcdugle OK HD12
Wisconsin (1)
Sen Ron Johnson @SenRonJohnson US Senate WI
Candidates running for office:
Arizona (3)
Alan White @Nomoretweedles US Senate AZ-24
Josh Barnett @BarnettforAZ AZ LD2
Nick Kupper @kupper4arizona AZ LD25
California (4)
Michael Oxford @SCMountainGoat CA SD17
Tief Gibbs @Tief4Congress US House CA-2
Denise Aguilar @InformedMama209 CA Assembly D13
Julie Threet @julie4butte5 Butte Cty Supervisor CA D5
Colorado (1)
Trent Leisy @realTrentLeisy CO HD4
Florida (4)
Darlene Swaffar @swaffarcongress US House FL-23
Eddie Speir @EddieSpeir US House FL-16
Mara Macie @MaraMacie US House FL-5
Mike Levine, candidate FL HD 26
Georgia (1)
Beth Majeroni @lizmajeroni GA SD1
Idaho (1)
Amy Henry @Amy_Pope_Henry ID D13B
Illinois (1)
Jon Luers @jonhal0 IL SD10
Indiana (1)
Charles Bookwalter @TCBookwalter US House IN-4
Kentucky (2)
TJ Roberts @realTJRoberts KY HD66
Jerry Gearding @ky_statesman KY HD67
Michigan (1)
Dr Sherry O'Donnell @SherryForSenate US Senate MI-5
Minnesota (2)
Royce White @Highway_30 US Senate MN
Steve Boyd @boydforhouse MN CD7
Mississippi (1)
Col Ghannon Burton @GhannonBurton US Senate MS
New Hampshire (1)
Hon Dawn Johnson @NHGOGAL NH Laconia D5
New Mexico (1)
Ben Luna @BenLuna4US candidate US Senate NM
New York (2)
Helen Qiu @Helen4NY NY City Council D1
Mario Fratto @MarioFratto US House NY-24
North Carolina (5)
Allen Mashburn @Mashburn4NC Lt Governor NC
Matt Shoemaker @votemjs US House NC-13
Sandy Smith @SandySmithNC US House NC-1
Leigh Thomas Brown @LeighBrown NC HD8
Laurie Buckhout @lauriebuckhout NC HD1
Ohio (1)
JR Majewski @JRMajewski US House OH-9
Oregon (2)
Perren Smith OR HD26
Jason Beebe @BeebeForOregon US House OR-2
Pennsylvania (1)
Allen Hissa @allenhissa US House PA-7
South Carolina (1)
Thomas Murphy @tommurphy8485 US Senate SC
Utah (1)
Phil Lyman @phil_lyman UT Governor
Washington (1)
Jerrod Sessler @sessler US House WA-4
West Virginia (2)
Michael Folk @MichaelFolk34 WV Senate
Nate Cain @NateCain4WV US House WV-2
Wyoming (1)
Reid Rasner @ReidRasner US Senate WY
In Office (7)
Sen Bob Hall @SenBobHall TX SD2
Rep Steve Toth @Toth_4_Texas TX HD15
Rep Briscoe Cain @BriscoeCain TX HD128
David Hamilton @Hamilton4TX Ft Bd TX School Board
Jon Welch @jwelchtxUSA TX LamarCISD School Board
Joy Roberts @ImJoyola Prct Chr TX 104
Christine Whitmore @cwhitmore903 Prct Chr TX 303
Candidates (29)
Jameson Ellis @thejamesonellis US House TX-2
Caroline Kane @CarolineKaneTX US House TX-7
Julie Clark @Julie_ClarkTX US House TX-23
Joseph Trahan @JosephLTrahan TX SD 15
John Perez @Perez4Texas TX HD133
Bianca Gracia @BiancaForTexas TX HD128
Aimee Ramsey @RamseyForHouse TX HD114
Barry Wernick @Wernick4Dallas TX HD108
David Lowe @DavidLowe4Texas TX HD91
Jack Reynolds @Jack4TX99 TX HD99
Charles Byrn @ByrnForTexas TX HD71
Mitch Little @realmitchlittle TX HD65
Andy Hopper @AndyHopperTX TX HD64
Shelley Luther @ShelleyLuther TX HD62
Devvie Duke @duke4texas TX HD56
Wes Virdell @WesleyVirdell TX HD53
Alicia Davis @AliciaForTexas TX HD21
David Covey @CoveyTX TX HD21
Janine Chapa @Team_JanineHD20 TX HD20
Tom Glass @tomgglass TX HD17
Paulette Carson @CarsonForTexas TX HD9
Jaye Curtis @JayeforTXHD8 TX HD8
Dewey Collier II @Collier4Texas TX HD5
Jeff Fletcher @JeffFletcherHD5 TX HD5
Joshua Feuerstein @CEOofAFN TX HD4
Dale Huls @HulsintheHouse TXHD1
Tracy Shannon @MadMommaBear2 Precinct Chair TX 469
Trisha Hope @JustTheTweets17 Precinct Chair TX 159
Dr Steven Horwitz @DrHorwitz1A Prct Chr TX 1A
Lack of action is compliance - more than 20% of C19 vax recipients, many of them taking it under duress for fear of losing their job and/or federal benefits (like commercial pilots!), have been injured for a lifetime, many have died while the “died suddenly” headlines are sky-rocketing. Doctors are seeing astronomical cases of myocarditis - many leading to death. They are also seeing an explosion of rapid cancer that consumes and kills the recipient in weeks.
They will not take action until they are pressured - many aren’t taking action as they value the payoff from lobbyists over lives.
You are one but many acting together is an army…
That army starts with an education of finding out who isn’t on the above list and then making them famous in your locality, your state.
You’re not alone in taking action either - they, we, are on social media, and we can’t help you until you help yourself.