Godliness - Where To Get Started With Your Family
Most of us have never learned what we should already know - where to get started
Besides our community, besides our schools we have to get started on the road to recovery by starting with ourselves - and I’m talking to the MEN, single or married…
You cannot get started on your family until you have already gotten started with yourself — they will see the changes in you and will want to emulate what they see.
In other words, make it good…
Family learns from your example then your words - if your words are not backed by your example you will never gain their trust as a leader in your family.
If you are female, listen in anyway - but push this to the men in your family… not share, PUSH… Men listen when their women are in agreement with God…
We KNOW there are signs all around us - but our vision is often wrapped in hindsight instead of being 20/20
Pastor Matt Hagee helps you to get grounded with this sermon, Follow the Signs…
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