
Every Monday through Friday we bring a glimpse of what you could be learning on your own concerning the history of our country as well as building a personal relationship with God as our Founders had developed…

BIBLE - Liberty

Psalm 119:44-46 (NKJV)

44 So shall I keep Your law continually,
Forever and ever.
45 And I will walk at liberty,
For I seek Your precepts.
46 I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings,
And will not be ashamed.

God’s Word, the Torah, and the Bible have all been mocked by those in authority - and not - who think they know better than anyone else. That lack of humility always comes back at them - not in our time but in God’s time. He has never allowed mockery to go unpunished.

Walking in Liberty means you are walking in God’s Spirit and liberty is defined as God’s Spirit (2 Cor 3:17) - not freedom, but liberty. The word freedom did not come about until the 14th century, the word liberty has been around for a very, very long time.


See the above video…

Why is this relevant to our history?

History is today as well as all the yesterdays - we create our history as well as our future by what we permit (and don’t permit) to happen around us.

Many are in fear of doing something as they don’t know what others would think, what authorities will think.

How can you know what strangers are thinking? Most of the time they want the same thing you do - justice. If they are Liberal politicians, well, they believe justice is as how they define it now how the majority defines it.

And THAT is the keyword: majority

We have been told to fear taking actions by authorities who want to control you, your family, your friends, you community, our nation.

Our Constitution was not written that way - it is written to limit government powers and to place most of that power in the hands of you and everyone around you.

We are where we are at because of this fear and many are now taking a stand.

The hardest thing about taking a stand is stepping up and speaking up - once you have done those 2 things, just let the Holy Spirit guide you.

If you do not have a personal relationship with God and/or the Holy Spirit, step up and speak up anyways, others will see your bravery and support you.

Those that don’t, remember who they are and be sure to share their lack of justice with others.