Elon Musk Shuts Down X in Brazil
When you make enemies of your friends, never be surprised to find them to be friends of your enemies...
The tyrannical “Justice” Moraes is having yet another temper tantrum as his oversized ego can’t be satisfied.
He has been demanding X Brasil provide account information not only for Brazilians but for accounts in other countries as well.
Moraes has a Nero-like complex that has only made staunchest enemies of his present enemies and has made enemies of even his staunchest friends, enough so they are speaking out boldly and publicly against Moraes.
Mind you, more than 90% of the Brazilian politicians and government use X to communicate - now there is more of a vacuum for them than there is for X’s users.
X Global Government Affairs, 08-August-2024
src https://x.com/GlobalAffairs
This letter demands censorship of popular Brazilian accounts, including a pastor, a current Parliamentarian, and the wife of a former Parliamentarian.
We believe the Brazilian people should know what is being asked of us.
The above is an UNOFFICIAL request - it has not been noted as recorded by the government
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Federal Supreme Court
Official electronic no 1683212024
Brasilia, 8 of August 2024
To> Mr
Administrator of X BRASIL INTERNET LTDA.
Petition no 12404
Mr. Administrador,
In the terms of a confidential decision ntía in the records referred to,
Adoption of the following provisions
i) the blocking, within the period of 2 hours, of the channels/profiles/accounts listed below, as well as of which links are managed by the users identified below, inc usive b any ongoing monetization related to the aforementioned profiles, should inform the values that would be monetized and the recipients of value, the daily fine of R$50,000.00 (fifty thousand reais) [US$10,000], with the provision of your registration data to the Supreme Court and the integral preservation of its content.
il) the confidentiality of records, connections, and telematic data, this must be preserved by this pi to preserve the data and present the registration and IP records in “DDMMAAAA”,""HH:MM:SS'",""GMT -3” ,referring to all records of access and posts, in the period from 04/01/2024 to 07/17/2024, of the profiles listed below
User profile
@marcosdoval MARCOS RIBE RO DO VAL
@xfischer SERGIO F SCHER
Documents filed digitally according to MP #2.200-2/2001 of 24/08/2001. The document can be accessed at http://www.stf.jus.br/autenticacao/autenticarDocuments.asp under code D882-65A2-52AS-FE60 and password 3504-34ED-2625-ED33
(NOTE: at the time of the publication of this post, the above link resulted in the following error message: “http://www.stf.jus.br/autenticacao/autenticarDocuments.asp“)
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Electronic Craft Sheet 2 no 1683212024 - PET 12404
iii) the removal of confidentiality of records, connections and telematic data, this platform should preserve the data and present the registration records and access and posting records, in the period 01/03/2024 to 07/08/2024 of any profiles related to users ALLAN LOPES DOS SANTOS (CPF no . 009.006.807-23), OSWALDO EUSTÁQUIO FILHO (CPF no 024.572.289-05), SANDRA MARA F PEDRO EUSTÁQUIO (CPF no 033.895.729-45) and the teenager MARIANA VOLF PEDRO EUSTÁQUIO (CPF no 085.160.009-31), or assets, including those below deleted:
https //x.com/mveustaquio
iv) the sending to this Supreme Court of all access records and post logs, including devices that have accessed or are with active access to the profile @mveustaquio (http://x.com/mveustaquio), related to. users SANDRA MARA VOLF PEDRO EUSTÁQUIO and MARIANA VOLF PEDRO EUSTAQUIO, in the period from 01/04/2024 to 15/07/2024, as well as express information about the access history of the account, where there are access records â account, with application type data (Android, I0S, Web}, plus IP (Internet protocol), time and country.
Minister AJexandre de Moraes
Document digitally signed
Documents filed digitally according to MP #2.200-2/2001 of 24/08/2001. The document can be accessed at http://www.stf.jus.br/autenticacao/autenticarDocuments.asp under code D882-65A2-52AS-FE60 and password 3504-34ED-2625-ED33
(NOTE: at the time of the publication of this post, the above link resulted in the following error message: “The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.“)
X Global Government Affairs 14-August-2024
XGGA received further demands for censorship and for the personal account information of our users, impacting not just Brazilians but residents of the United States and Argentina.
We share those here in the interests of essential transparency.
23 July 2024
Electronic Letter no 16121/2024
Brasilia. 23 July 2024.
To Mr
Administrator of X BrasilInternet Lida.(ex 1WITTER BrasilRead Information Lida.)
Petition no 11846
Sir Administrator,
According to the request of the police authority, Federal Police Delegate Fabio Fajngold, granted as per the decision issued on July 18, 2024, I request that within 5 (five) days, provide the police authority with the registration data for the following profiles:
@FerCerimedo_ ok
With best regards,
Minister Alexandre de Moraes
Document digitally signed
Signed document digitally confoms to HP n 2.20G-2/2GG1 of 24/08/2901. The document can be accessed by e-mail http://www.stf.jus.br/portal/authenticacao/autenticarDocumento.asp under code 2ADE-56SF-19BS-S4A6 and password CBC3-48DB-9C94-9E46
(NOTE: at the time of the publication of this post, the above link resulted in the following error message: “The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.“)
12 August 2024 - demands contain a 24-hour deadline with a R$100,000 {US$20,000) fine if demands are not met…
SUBPOENA No 4645/2024
Petition no.12720
Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Supreme Court. ORDERS that the official of
The Justice INTIME X BRASI L INTERNET LTDA., CNPJ no 16.954.565/0001-48, in the person of (a) lawyer(s) Mariana de Saboya Furtado, OAB/DF no 66.284, with address at (o) SAFS, Quadra 2, Bloco B. Ed. Vía Office, 3° andar, CEP 70070-600, Brasília/DF, Telephone (61) 3312-9400, e-mail: mslurtado@pn.com.br, so that within 24 (twenty-four) hours, provide the registration data of the channel/profile/account holder "@allanconta" to this SUPREME COURT, under penalty of a daily fine of 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand dollars) and the criminal liability of the legal responsible for said company. with possible characterization of the state of flagrancy, in accordance with the decision of August 8, 2024, a copy of which is attached.
Judicial Registry of the Supreme Court, on 12 August 2024.
Minister Alexandre de Moraes
Document digitally signed
Document signed digitally conforms to HP n 2.29G-2/20Gl de 24/GS/2’901. The document can be accessed at
http://www.stf.jus.br/portallautenticacao/autenticarDocumento.asp under code 648C-8831-E84A-5686 and password 731C-lFF6-ClEA-ElAl
(NOTE: at the time of the publication of this post, the above link resulted in the following error message: “The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.“)
13 August 2024
Electronic Office no 1706212024
Brasilia, 13 August 2024.
To Mr
Petition no 12404
Sir Administrator,
Pursuant to the decision in the file of 13 August 2024, a copy of which is attached. I inform you that, given the non-compliance with the court order issued by this Court, I have determined the application of the fine of R$ 50,000.00 (FIFTY thousand reais) [US$10,000] against this company, which must be paid within 5 (five) days from receipt of this communication.
It is further determined that the decision was previously issued. whose content was communicated utilizing electronic letter 1683212024 must be fulfilled within a maximum of 1 (one) hour, under penalty of a daily fine of R$ 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand reais) [US$40,000] for each of the profiles indicated, as well as in the setting of the crime of disobedience of your legal representative
Minister Alexandre de Moraes
Document digitally signed
Document digitally signed conforms to HP no 2.20G-2/2GG1 of 24/08/2901. The document can be accessed at http://www.stf.jus.br/portal/authenticacao/autenticarDocumento.asp under code E3BC-783D-6282-G611 and password DSEA-206A-9127-A7EA
(NOTE: at the time of the publication of this post, the above link resulted in the following error message: “The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.“)
Elon’s Reaction
These demands violate Brazilian, Argentinian, and US law!
Due to demands by “Justice” @Alexandre in Brazil that would require us to break (in secret) Brazilian, Argentinian, American, and international law, 𝕏 has no choice but to close our local operations in Brazil. He is an utter disgrace to justice.
No question that Moraes needs to leave. Having a “justice” who repeatedly and egregiously violates the law is no justice at all.
From Nikolas Ferreira,
On September 7th, Brazil will take to the streets in São Paulo to demand the impeachment of Alexandre de Moraes. @elonmusk, you are invited.
Elon’s history of similar situations in the past - he has placed the safety of his employees first, no matter what the government wanted.
The last such fiasco in Brazil where Moraes was threatening to incarcerate his employees, Elon had all the employees moved overnight to the Argentinian embassy.
President Milei and the Consulate welcomed them with open arms.
ADDENDUM from X Global Government Affairs
Posted 10:24 AM, 17-Aug-2024 (22.28 views at the time of this addendum)
Last night, Alexandre de Moraes threatened our legal representative in Brazil with arrest if we do not comply with his censorship orders.
He did so in a secret order, which we share here to expose his actions (link: https://x.com/GlobalAffairs/status/1824819053061669244).
Despite our numerous appeals to the Supreme Court not being heard, the Brazilian public not being informed about these orders and our Brazilian staff having no responsibility or control over whether content is blocked on our platform, Moraes has chosen to threaten our staff in Brazil rather than respect the law or due process.
As a result, to protect the safety of our staff, we have made the decision to close our operation in Brazil, effective immediately.
The X service remains available to the people of Brazil.
We are deeply saddened that we have been forced to make this decision.
The responsibility lies solely with Alexandre de Moraes.
His actions are incompatible with democratic government.
The people of Brazil have a choice to make - democracy, or Alexandre de Moraes.