Deep State Intro: Final (3/3) - Acknowledgements, Assessments, Review, Testing Your Beliefs, And What’s Next
What Changes Is What You Believe
It’s more like developing a new habit as well as a tool and they both focus on what you believe.
There are 3 parts to changing you and changing what you believe…
TEST What You Believe…
TEST What You Hear…
Be Deliberate In What You Share…
What you believe is formed in only 2 ways…
from what you consistently hear
from what you consistently talk about
The ONLY way to test what you believe and what you are hearing is to use inquiring and deliberate questions, question consistently, and eventually, you will question out of habit.
A habit takes only 3 weeks of consistent focus and effort to form – put reminders everywhere with one word on it: question
Doctors will say the heart is the most important organ — and to a point, they are correct, as far as making sure you remain alive.
In our house, we say it is our ears — it is the entry point from which our future beliefs start in our lives, making them a very important organ to not only protect but to also guard, test, and review everything we hear.
We are forced into this position of needing to be offensive with our hearing and our learning due to the attitude of the MSM and the agenda of the Left — however, we, not them, are stronger from it all.
We are the ones whose character, wits, knowledge, and wisdom will grow as a result – they will only learn how to be more devious, which always comes with a tell (think cards).
Too many of us – and they – are reactionary in what we hear which means our emotions are the first thing that surfaces in the words we read and hear.
THAT emotional knee-jerk blinds you as well as shifts the power of the conversation to the person talking to you, leaving you scrambling to posture and then somehow regain control.
Counter everything you year, everything you read with questions, and control the conversation with questions.
Probing and deliberate questions start with…
Never question with an agenda as that sets up limitations (watch how the MSM does it, they are experts at setting up limitations and directing those they question for the answers they want to hear).
Use your curiosity to drive your questions as that opens doors…
Obama ALWAYS uses an agenda in his questions as well in his speeches…
President Trump ALWAYS uses his focus on his mission as well as questions that drill down into why, who, how, where, when, what…
An Agenda Is A Focus On Gaining
For Their Own Purpose,
A Mission Is A Focus On Gaining
What Others Need.
We all have habits and many of those habits were at one time a discipline.
Your habits do not take too much focus, or too much time, and in many cases are a reflex – you do it without thinking, usually requiring very little time and energy in the process.
Discipline, on the other hand, requires deliberate actions, and thinking, which take focus, time, and energy to perform.
The beauty of discipline is it only takes 3 weeks, 21 days, for it to become a habit, and those deliberate actions, thinking, required time, and energy dissipate.
Form the habit of providing probing and deliberate questions — discover what works for you in reminding yourself to ask questions.
It could be a sticky note on your monitor, mirror, steering wheel, in your wallet, in your pocket, anywhere (almost – foreheads are not very good for stick notes 🙂 ).
It could be a VERY frequent reminder set on your smartphone.
If you have someone around you all day then use the buddy system to have them remind you to ask questions, it could be a list of affirmations you keep to speak aloud every morning.
During your meals, question…
During your time waiting for the train, plane, or bus, question…
During your phone calls, questions…
In your social media updates, question…
In your writings, question…
In ALL your conversations, question…
Questions force us to hear what we are listening to — it forces them to think about what they are saying, and many times it is probably the first time they are hearing what they have been believing in their own voice.
Questions provide us direction, open doors, close doors, lay open the truth, disclose hidden agendas, expose lies, bring blessings…
What’s Next (Updated 30-July-2022)
Right now there are many resources available that made the need to have our newsletters on the Deep State unnecessary.
Here are some recommendations to continue your education on the cult known as the Deep State…
You may want to save or bookmark this with your other saved emails for future reference.
Decisive Liberty
We keep our followers abreast of Deep State’s current events on our social media, a complete listing of which you can find here.
Our latest Deep State content can be found on Telegram, in our @DL_Deep_State public channel as well as other channels listed on the same page.
The New American Standard [ Link ]
This organization has become one of the prime sources in educating the general public about as well as providing news of recent Deep State activities.
They provide a bi-weekly print magazine and daily newsletter, both for a very reasonable fee, as well as have a social media presence on rumble and maintain a limited presence on Facebook, Twitter, and youtube due to the politicizing as well as provide an RSS feed
Corey’s Digs [ Link ]
Corey provides well-researched and resourced content that points back to the Deep State’s activities.
She and her colleagues report on trafficking, Hillary Clinton, Haiti, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, NGOs, and government agencies that MSM won’t report on.
Voices That You May Want To Check Out
The following provides the latest information on the cult known as the Deep State, Illuminati, Elitists, and who knows how many other names…
John B. Wells [ link ] – Caravan To Midnight syndicated radio show, a bit dry but you never come out empty-handed and always with more questions than you started with. He holds a bi-weekly intelligence program (2 hrs) that includes Mary Fanning, Lt General McInerney, Maj General Paul E Vallely as well as several other guests on a rotational basis.
Mary Fanning [ link ] – The American Report, she and Allen Jones (not to be confused with Alex Jones) have a great handle on homeland security, probably more so that the DHS. She was with our Facebook group before we were banned for life and we were able to collaborate a bit on the ports around the U.S. and the China infiltration of such (via the CCP faction of China).
BardsFM [ link ] – “War is the teacher, soldiers its students. Faith and Knowledge are the greatest weapons of war. Through stories, we reshape the narratives to strengthen our resolve, awaken the truth, expand our vision beyond the limits of the Matrix and bring us closer to God. In the end, God wins.” Scott provides podcasts throughout the day focused on various verticals in everyone’s life. Do have to warn you, that once we got started listening to him, we ended up listening to all his podcasts until we discovered we were falling behind in our work. Links for his podcasts are on this website.
TracyBeanz [ link ] – founder and owner of UncoverDC, another excellent researcher. She TALKS to you, seriously Very personable and she has no problem sharing what she thinks – good, bad, or indifferent. How much do her followers love her? She had a fire that devastated her home, in less than 2 months her followers provided more than $150,000 to a fund someone set up to get her and her family back into their home as soon as possible.
Social Media
Going to assume you don’t know much about this topic so to cover as much as we can…
The legacy platforms are out – not trustworthy at any level
Twitter, Facebook, Google as well as any of their subsidiaries like (but not limited to) WhatsApp and YouTube
As for the alternative Social Media platforms, each has a different feel to them so you have to join a bunch, use them for a while, drop or pause those that you don’t like or are not sure about, and go with the ones you like and are getting the results you want…
You can start by trying the platforms we use (seen here) – we tried but paused it a long time ago and there is NextDoor which we have not tried yet…
This is just a word of advice, everyone is different… A high number of subscribers is usually indicative of popularity and you may get lost in the shuffle if you’re not on their chats frequently.
That doesn’t mean they don’t have great content as most do – you seem to be wanting to expand your horizons and large groups or channels may or may not be helpful.
This is way more than enough to get you going in the right direction – the key is to find a group, platform, or channel that has a good reputation.
Full Audio Recording
Should you be interested in the full audio file, it is available here…
Duration: 2h33m
Full Transcript
You can download a PDF of the full transcript, otherwise, click here to go to the full transcript with the audio for each part.