Deep State Intro: Final (2/3) - Acknowledgements, Assessments, Review, Testing Your Beliefs, And What’s Next
The Decisive Moment For Myron Fagan
In 1945, at the urgent request of John T. Flynn (the famous author of The Roosevelt Myth, While We Slept, and The True Story of Pearl Harbor ), Mr. Fagan attended a meeting in Washington D.C. where he was shown a set of micro-films and recordings of the SECRET meetings at Yalta attended only by Franklin Roosevelt, Alger Hess, Harry Hopkins, Stalin, Molotov, and Vishinsky
This was when they hatched the plot to deliver the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and Berlin to Stalin.
As a result of that viewing, Mr. Fagan wrote two plays: Red Rainbow (in which he revealed the entire plot) and Thieves Paradise (in which he revealed how those men plotted to create the United Nations to be the “housing” for a so-called Communist, One-World Government).
At the same time; Mr. Fagan launched a one-man crusade to unmask the Red Conspiracy in Hollywood which had set about to produce films that would aid that One World Government plot.
Out of that came into being his organization Cinema Educational Guild.
As a result of the work of the CEG headed by Mr. Fagan in 1947 came the congressional hearings at which more than 300 famous stars, writers, and directors from Hollywood, Radio, and TV were unmasked as the chief activists of the Red Conspiracy.
That was when the infamous “Hollywood Ten” were sent to prison — it was the most sensational event of the decade (it is interesting to note that Wikipedia is lacking much of this information while the online Encyclopedia Britannica did not).
From that time on, Mr. Fagan has devoted all of his time and efforts to writing monthly News Bulletins for CEG in which he has kept up the fight to alert the American people to the plot to destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America and the ensuing enslavement of the American people in a United Nations’ One World Government.
Today, Mr. Fagan does not sound that crazy nor like a conspiracy theorist (who was not exactly respected very well unless they already had an established circle of respect and honor) – however, most of what we are seeing today has become exposed mostly to the thanks of having Barry Soetoro (Barrack Obama) as President.
And it is the ONLY positive thing you will hear me say about him.
Every dark cloud has a silver lining and we believe he was unintentionally exposing the Deep State beyond what they had been exposed to before his arrival as President.
I would not doubt his narcissism he told them everything would be just fine and that he can handle anything that comes his way.
That verdict, as the saying goes, is still being determined by the jury – We the People, and President Trump.
To review, Myron Fagan reveals the beginning of the One World enslavement plot that was launched two centuries ago in 1776 by one Adam Weishaupt, an apostate Catholic Priest who was financed by the House of Rothchild.
They helped create what Weishaupt called the Illuminati.
Mr. Fagan describes with documentary evidence, how the Illuminati became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a One World Government and how every war during the past two centuries was fomented by this Illuminati.
He describes how one Jacob H. Schiff was sent to the United States by the Rothschilds to further the Illuminati plot and how Schiff plotted to get control of both the Democratic and the Republican Parties.
He also describes how Schiff seduced our Congress and our Presidents to achieve control of our entire money system and create the Income Tax cancer and how Schiff and his co-conspirators created the Council on Foreign Relations to control our elected officials to gradually drive the U.S. into becoming an enslaved unit of a United Nations, One World Government.
Everybody who loves our country – who loves God – would and will want to save Christianity, which the Illuminati is dedicated to destroying.
We have sent our sons to die in wars and conflicts started by the Illuminati in Korea, Vietnam, South Africa, and now on the battlefields of the Middle East.
Everyone should hear this recording.
There is absolutely no doubt that anyone who does hear this amazing story will join in the fight to save our country and our nation’s youth.
Technology Since The Release Of Illuminati – CFR
The 1970s
When Mr. Fagan passed away in 1972, most people were still oblivious to the Deep State or Illuminati, though it was not uncommon to find someone who belonged to a Lodge of some sort.
After all, it was 1972 – there was no public internet, the 1st cellular phone would be introduced the following year (you could only talk on it), there was no wi-fi, no social media, no Google, no Yahoo, no Netflix, no Hulu, no desktop computers never mind laptops, tablets, or smartphones…
Just newspapers, magazines, movie theaters, coffee houses, and people actually sitting around and talking to one another.
You read what you could, visited a well-resourced library if you were willing to do any research, and listened to the news on the Mainstream Media (who were already perfecting and delivering on their Liberal agenda).
The latter was limited as well as there were only the local channels and 4 national services available then – PBS, ABC, CBS, NBC.
All this meant the Illuminati could continue to operate covertly without too much interference — only if the law stepped in, such as what occurred in Bulgaria nearly 200 years earlier, would the Illuminati have to do much of anything to preserve and protect themselves.
They had already double-cloaked themselves by operating as a secret society within secret societies – and they had established themselves in many countries by owning the Central Banks as well as by owning as many and as much of the media possible.
However, advances in technology have a habit of shining a light where there is darkness, and the Illuminati was and still is not illuminating much of anything, only spreading their darkness.
The 1980s
Notice I said public internet – before the 1980s, the internet was private and for the ‘privileged’ – you either had to be in the military or working for a university to have access to the internet.
The internet started in 1969, the National Science Foundation (NSF) created the U.S. Defense Department’s ARPAnet, which became the precursor to public internet and set up many configurations still in use today.
Twelve years later (1981), the NSF expanded the privatized internet by providing a grant to establish the Computer Science Network (CSNET) to provide networking services to all university computer scientists (many of whom also worked with the DoD.
By 1985, NSF considered how it could provide greater access to the high-end computing resources at its recently established supercomputer centers and the following year the NSFNET went online to connect supercomputer centers.
Happening in parallel during the 1980s was the computer revolution – the computer had been around for a while, however, you would need a 5-ton machine to do simple math problems, would need a forklift to move it anywhere, and needed to maintain a healthy inventory of vacuum tubes to keep it running.
The invention of the transistor which replaced the vacuum tubes, then the microchip which replaced the transistor, changed all that and 2 men, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had a dream of having a desktop computer available not only for everyone but available anywhere.
A search on the internet will provide plenty of stories of their beginnings — some true, some you should question. After all. these two men are technology legends and we know how the building of legends goes – even with the internet.
For a few years, websites and internet boards were the means for getting information and content moving.
The 1990s
Once the NSFNET was operating, it was not very long before commercial firms noted the popularity and effectiveness of the growing Internet.
They did not need a rocket scientist to build their own networks, and they did in earnest, the first wave of such occurring between 1993 to 1998.
That proliferation of private suppliers led to an NSF solicitation that outlined a new Internet architecture that largely remains in place today.
Along with this, the power of the chip – doubled every 18 months until recently.
This allowed the creation of more powerful, versatile, and useful cellular phones which lead to smartphones quite quickly.
Today’s smartphone is more powerful, useful, and has much more space on it than the computers of 20 years ago.
Will not be long before your smartphone could be loaded with AI to take care of your menial chores so you can focus on, whatever…
The arrival of social media – first Twitter, then Facebook, then Google Plus, then a plethora of options to choose from for moving words, images, videos, and even live events – really got things moving and flexed the muscles of the latest and greatest technology, including the microchip, the internet.
As a result, we are now in the upshot of the logarithmic curve of change — what used to take years now takes months, what used to take months not takes weeks, what used to take weeks nowadays, and days have turned into hours.
Hours? minutes…
That is about to change with the introduction of AI – change will no longer take years or months and in some cases weeks or days…
Today (2017), all of this technology and power doubles the amount of content available every 60 HOURS and doubles the amount of unique content every 10 WEEKS — compared to 5 generations ago (1917), they learned in a lifetime what is available in a week in today’s print edition of the New York Times.
This remained pretty much the status quo until the Barrack Obama Presidency.
Those who dealt with conspiracies knew more than the general public, of course, however with the internet becoming popular in the 1990s, information – right as well as wrong – was becoming readily available.
When the events of 9/11 unfolded, the veil the Illuminati could hide behind came crashing down as well as the towers.
Several aspects of the whole scenario just did not add up — and as everyone would discover with the advent of social media, absolutely nothing would remain hidden for very long.
The Dark Web would also make sure of that though most people would only use the 5% that was readily available.
What Changes Is What You Believe
continued in part 3…