Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced Friday (09-Dec) that she has left the Democratic Party and has registered as an Independent, saying she’s turning her back on the “broken partisan system in Washington” that prioritizes denying the opposition party a win rather than “delivering for all Americans.”
Sinema made the announcement in a thread on Twitter and elaborated on her decision in a lengthy op-ed in the Arizona Republic.
“I have joined the growing numbers of Arizonans who reject party politics by declaring my independence from the broken partisan system in Washington and formally registering as an Arizona Independent,” Sinema stated in a post on Twitter....
Her decisions bears all the traits of something that was thought out long and hard.
Though we don’t agree with her lifestyle nor her views on many Constitutional as well as Christian principles, her discernment concerning the Democrat Party is no longer just part of a few Liberals upset with the DNC.
If there is anyone that is representative of Liberal values it is Sinema - the fact that she finds it necessary to depart from the DNC speaks volumes to the atrocious state of the Liberals who keep defending the DNC.
Though this removes the Democrats/Liberals as the majority in the Senate, it hardly means the GOP has it any easier - many of them still have a fraudulent election to prove not to mention Sinema’s policies are still very Liberal.
Funny how the Liberals don’t have a fraudulent election to prove, eh?
ICYMI - How we Differential Liberals from Democrats
Liberals are globalists, New World Order lobbyists - they talk the talk of a Democrat but their actions and choice of words are hardly representative of what was once the Democrat party. They will embrace ‘protecting democracy’ whilst their definition of democracy is hardly that of a democratic process.
Democrats embrace our constitution but believe it should be implemented differently, normally embracing policies that form a larger government as opposed to smaller, thereby shifting power away from the people and not towards the people.