

Brazil, and many other countries, is the means to an end that will end up with the globalists dominating the world - but only if we let them...

This will probably be the last of the Brazil Election series but not the last of updates of Brazil as well as updates on globalists, Liberals and what you can do

Corrections and Notes to the 2 Previous Posts on the Brazilian Elections

STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) is the Brazilian Supreme Court

TSE (Tribunal Superior Electoral) is the Supreme Electoral Court

PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores) - Lula’s Workers’ Party; if it sound communist well, you’re close as socialism is the doorway to communism - shifting from the broadly socialist ideology in the 1990s. PT is also referred to as social democracy… Either way, it is about big government, bigger budgets, high taxes, and more power and wealth only for those in the proper political positions.

Aleaxandre Moraes was appointed in 2017 by President Temer, not Lula; the appointment was the result of the death of the previous Chief Justice Teori Zavascki, who had died in a plane crash; previously Moraes was appointed in 2014 by Geraldo Alckmin (Governor of Sao Paulo) as Secretary of Public Security for the State of São Paulo. Moraes career can be seen here [one of the few times we use Wikipedia as when the topic is a leftist politician then they tend bloviate and not to change it too much until the person of interest falls into the public spotlight for negative reasons then they start hiding content - Moraes is about ready to start falling into that negative spotlight].

The Tide is Turning - on Both Sides

The people of Brazil have sent the message across the country loud and clear - they fully believe, and rightfully so, that their election was stolen.

As someone who worked in campaigns in the U.S. as an data analyst, even from observing the key patterns of this election (and the U.S. 2020 election) there are way too many red-flag issues that can be easily overlooked by the untrained eye.

The Brazilian military is working on their data and reports and had announced the day of the 2nd round that there were too many mathematical red-flag issues with the first round but have not released either report - yet…

Given all this people were to expect the 2nd round was supposed to suddenly go without a repeated attempt of the 1st?

Not. On. Your. Life - once a snake thinks he has gotten away with something, anyone with any level of discernment knows he will try it again and most likely with more intensity and more stealth; especially globalists, they have an absolute hate for God and pure love for anything evil. They keep pretending not to know that only God can create and glorify (even of Himself and His followers) and the devil’s only accomplishment is destruction (even of himself and his followers).

Which also means they look at everything totally differently and with more aloofness than most imagine - this aloofness is very evident in Moraes and has been surfacing with Lula even in the shortest of video clips.

Brazil has entered the same phase the U.S. entered with the stealing of our 2020 elections - the globalist and Liberals (nearly the same animal, only the spots are different) will deny what has happened and will always try to control the narrative through as many levels as they possibly can.

Keyword: ‘try’… It is not the same as ‘accomplish’. They may win many battles but they are continuously losing the war.

In part, they do this by accusing anyone who is not a globalist, who is not a Liberal, of the very same things they are doing in an attempt to induce defensiveness.

Advice to anyone reading this: DON’T get defensive - you can shift from defensiveness with practice and with the right knowledge.

Countering the Globalists and Liberals Narrative

As with President Trump, President Bolsonaro, as well as Conservatives, Citizen Journalists, those who are not globalists, those who are not Liberals - learn to respond to such tactics with facts, hard cold facts, about your enemy.

They will counter but keep pumping the same true evidence-based facts - but don’t make a party out of it, even Christ left towns that had not developed any faith in him, as he will leave those behind who do the same come Judgement Day.

If the political (even faith-based) newsletters, social media channels and/or groups you belong to aren’t focused on properly addressing globalists and liberals then find those that are - the globalists and liberals aren’t wasting any time and energy which means we all shouldn’t be doing so either.

This means you need to do some homework so you know your enemy instead of

  • relying on the 21-minutes worth of news every evening

  • relying on your friend who always talks politics

  • believing everything you read, see, and hear

Learn these principles as well as research them…

  • SEE what you are looking at

  • HEAR what you are listening to

  • Learn to ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS instead of just any question with everything you see and hear

  • Instead of glossing over the surface of everything you see, hear, and read, DRILL DOWN into everything that you think you believe or want to believe, into every thing that someone tries to sell you (figuratively as well as literally)

  • Watch the SHELL GAME, not the shells

Write them down, repeat them a few times a day, eventually they become part of your life - any discipline takes a focused time and effort for 21 days (which is why it is a challenge at first especially for those that rest their laurels in convenience), then it becomes a habit of which you will do it instinctively, no focused time or effort required as it is a reflex.

We are in multiple warfares at the same time - informational, law. spiritual - yes, we didn’t ask for this but then again we have through our own complacency.

This is most evident in school boards globally - it is also the front line of the globalists warfare by going after the children, OUR children.

Brazil - Day 3

Much a repeat of Day 2 however some different furniture in the same room

  • globalists, liberals, and leftists are crying foul on Bolsonarists while it is they that have created the situation - they are trying to control the narrative by blaming the innocent of what the guilty are doing

  • Trucks used to create more than 600 blockades have been removed and

    replaced with piles of dirt and burning tires

  • The incoming administration is crying foul about the blockades saying it is keeping emergency medications and hospital supplies from arriving to the hospitals — true, but it also shows the lack of ingenuity and simple creativity by the incoming administration as airlifts would easily resolve this situation (nearly every country has done this when push comes to shove)

  • the number and size of protests are increasing - many have moved themselves to the front of military command facilities throughout the country

  • One of Lula’s supporters rammed his car through a crowd, injuring more than a dozen people and running over a few including a young girl - we cannot find one peep from Lula, any Lula supporters, nor the MSM throughout the country for this brutality

  • the viral video of the day is a young girl draped in the Brazilian flag walking with a bouquet of flowers arriving at the gates of a military command facility to offer one of the guards both the flowers and the flag - there was applause and loud appraisals from the crowd (video at the top of this post)

The Continental and Global Effects of This Election

As you scan the headlines and social media, note WHO is wanting to conduct a future with Brazil under Lula - nearly all are globalist lead countries.

Brazil had been the Liberty pin within South America - but no longer, ALL of South America will be shortly under Socialist rule.

We warn again, Socialism isn’t the ultimate end - it is a means to an end and that end has always been communism.

North Korea and China are going bankrupt - both are now locking the resources to maintain a future and need to seize or gain in any manner possible the resources they need from countries.

NK doesn’t have the means but China does to expand their trade to countries that are gullible to their ways - and as with any jurisdiction, especially Taiwan and Hong King, their end result is to dominate.

What China lacks they can wiggle into globally - what most are oblivious to is the long-term price of maintaining a close and very dependent relationship with China.

Brazil has pretty much been an isolationist - they don’t want foreign companies within their borders unless they meet their strict guidelines for conducting business within their borders.

And as most companies find out, they have to sacrifice quality of their goods and services due to the price of electricity and energy in Brazil - a problem that didn’t exist in the U.S. until Biden stole the election.

The Fragility of Liberty

Liberty - it is not something that is handed down to the next generation, it is something that must be protected by each generation.

The globalists weaken our education systems everywhere to “train” future generations of the “evils of capitalism” when in reality none of the other forms of evils could exist without capitalism.

China and North Korea are also isolationists - more so NK than China.

Foreign businesses for the most part don’t want any part of China even if they could develop a presence there - they instead have resorted to Taiwan and Hing Kong, which are soon to be the target of the CCP’s desire to create one China.

Forget trying to establish anything within North Korea - it is only their way or the high way at every level.

Biblically, liberty is the presence of God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit…

for where there is the Spirit of the Lord, there is Liberty (NKJV, 2 Cor 3:17)

Of course, liberty has many different forms but if there is a Liberty where the creator of all things will exist, what kind of fool would settle for any other?

There are only 2 spiritual domains, whether you believe this is so or not (beliefs are as the 2nd most fickle trait of humans - a belief is not a truth).

And whenever you let one of those 2 spiritual domains in, the other has to take a leave - there is not room for both.

There is either darkness

Or there is light

The choice is up to each person, each community, each jurisdiction…

And that choice has to be protected - or it will be lost… perhaps lost forever

President Bolsonaro Speaks Directly to the People

Like President Trump, President Bolsonaro can’t trust the MSM (and neither should we. you should have long ago learned this if you haven’t by now) - so he has provided a video on many of the social media platforms.

If you understand Portuguese, his speech can be seen here - just shy of 3 minutes in duration…

CLICK HERE to View Bolsonaro's Speech

Otherwise, here is the English translation…

Brazilians who are protesting for Brazil, I know you are upset, you are sad. You expected something else, so did I. I am as upset, as sad as you are, but we have to keep our heads on straight. The protests, the demonstrations are very welcome, they are part of the democratic game and, over the years, much of this has been done for Brazil. On the Esplanade [of the Ministries], Copacabana, Paulista, so many other places.

Even something that is not legal. The closing of highways throughout Brazil harms people's right to come and go. It's there in our Constitution. And we have always been within those four lines. We have to respect the right of other people who are moving, besides the damage to our economy.

I know that the economy is important. I know that you are giving more importance to other things now. It's legitimate. But I want to appeal to you: clear the roads. This is not part, in my opinion, of these legitimate demonstrations. We here will not lose this legitimacy.

Other demonstrations that are being held throughout Brazil, in public squares, are part, I repeat, of the democratic game. Feel free. And I make it clear: you are demonstrating spontaneously.

We have deployed our Federal Highway Police, from the first moment, to clear highways throughout Brazil. And they have been doing the work to try to clear them. But there are many points and the difficulties are enormous.

Everybody is suffering losses with these closed highways. The appeal I make to you: clear the roads, protest in other ways, in other places, this is very welcome, it is part of our democracy.

Please, do not think badly of me. I want the good of you. Throughout all this time at the head of the Presidency, I collaborated to resurrect the patriotic feeling, the love for the homeland, our green and yellow colours, the defense of the family, the defense of freedom. Let's not throw this away. Let's do what has to be done.

I am with you and I am sure that you are with me. The request is: highways, let's clear them for the good of our nation and so that we can continue to fight for democracy and freedom. Thank you very much to all of you. God bless our Brazil.

We will see, of course, the globalists and liberals turn his words around - be sure to counter them, pushing back as a people is a must in any information warfare.

For More Details of President Bolsonaro’s War with the Deep State

We highly recommend Paul Serran’s post as well as his Substack…

War Blog
Brazil's Bolsonaro Against the US Deep State
It's out in the open: Democrats and Globalists are all out to topple conservative Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro in the upcoming October 3rd presidential election. There's just one problem to their plan: the Brazilian people. The Independence Day on September 7th made it clearer than it ever was: Bolsonaro is the most beloved Brazilian president eve…
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More On This Series

Decisive Liberty Newsletter
First, A Note If you want to keep up with the events building up in Brazil, we highly recommend 2 English speaking Telegram channels Paul Serran - https://t.me/PaulSerran Tupi Report - https://t.me/tupireport Tupi has very reliable sources throughout Brazil and has been growing incredibly since the elections - he was at ab…
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Decisive Liberty Newsletter
The Awakeness Continues There is only a day 2 when looking at the calendar - the focus, mission, and message of the Right remains the same: the election was stolen and the energy of the Brazilian people remained heightened from what only the Left calls a fair and clean election…
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