BOOK: Saving Nine - The Fight Against the Left’s Audacious Plan to Pack the Supreme Court and Destroy American Liberty
The 3rd branch of our government ultimately relies upon protection from We the People...
To those who know their U.S. government history, then it is no surprise that the Liberals are trying to load the SCOTUS bench into their favor - once again…
Seems whenever they can’t get their way then the means justifies the end - completely oblivious fact that the end result is a product of their ways, at which time they blame anyone but themselves.
RINOs pretty much the same thing - they just lack the wherewithal to leave the GOP.
I digress…
Our Constitution notes the need of SCOTUS (Article III) but does not say how many seats it should have - and THAT is enticing fodder to a drooling desperate liberal political party EVERY time they don’t get their way.
The last such attempt was under Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) so he could get his “New Deal” package passed.
FDR noticed something about SCOTUS that was causing friction for many of his bills concerning the “New Deal”
The SCOTUS bench was comprised of 4 staunch conservative Justices (The Four Horsemen, as they were called), 3 committed liberal Justices (The Three Musketeers, as they were called - how fitting? I digress), and 2 moderates - and most of FDR’s bills were being decided against them by 5-4 or 6-3.
From Mike Lee’s book…
Thankfully, that ‘plan’ never saw fruition.
The packing of the SCOTUS bench ALWAYS favors the administration that has been permitted to do so - and given a SCOTUS bench is a life-time assignment, you can believe they will do so with the youngest justices they can find that favor their politics.
Justices are NOT supposed to rule that way and by-and-large they don’t - but the danger is there to assist in the destruction of our country from within.
To read more of Mike Lee’s book, click below…
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