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ARCHIVE: An Empowering Means to Protect Yourself, Family, & Friends from C19

originally published in DecisiveLiberty.News on 02-Apr-2020

A video we came across on YouTube features Dr. David Price of NYC in a March 22nd Zoom call with family and friends on empowering and protecting families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He actually gets into some detail about it all in his hour long video, and someone graciously provided an abbreviated version that is about 10 minutes in duration.

Even the 10 minute version is packed with information, so we have put together our notes from Dr Price’s videos as well as a few other recommendations and ideas from several sources we have viewed during this past week.

The long version has been made available here, a transcript is available for this video

The long version is also available here (no transcript, opens in vimeo):


Dr. David Price’s Empowering Talk with Friends and Family

The abbreviated edit of Dr. David Price’s recent online talk with friends and family, aimed to educate, empower and protect each other during the COVID-19 pandemic, is posted above.

00:00 – Introduction
02:05 – How do you get COVID-19
04:04 – How to protect yourself
05:19 – Socially
05:49 – What if you get COVID-19
07:54 – When to go to the hospital
09:12 – Should I get tested?

Dr. David Price works in Pulmonary & Critical Care at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City.

It is worth watching the long version as much more information and a better perspective is provided, and includes a Q&A session in the last half-hour.

Notes From the Abbreviated Video


Two means – through

  • sustained contact (more than 15 min) with an infected person (someone with fever and aches

  • someone carrying the disease, does not have it yet, and is about to get the virus in the next 1 to 2 days will develop symptoms of this virus

The way everyone seems to get this virus is through touching someone infected or just about to show symptoms of the virus then touching your face – THE TRANSFER OF THE VIRUS IS FROM YOUR HANDS TO ANY PART OF YOUR FACE.



The ‘aersolized’ scenario being talked about requires an unprotected environment as well as sustained contact with the infected person (more thn 15 minutes) in order to catch COVID-19.

2. ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOUR HANDS ARE AND KEEP HAND SANITIZER NEARBY – wash your hands IMMEDIATELY after touching anything that has been – or is – outside of your home.

3. LEARN HOW TO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE – use a mask around the house, doesn’t have to be a N95 mask, just as long as your face is covered. If you touch it, hamper it and get a new cloth or mask.

4. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE FROM EVERYONE – 6 feet (2 meters). REMEMBER anyone can be a carrier and not be affected by the virus, just because they are healthy now does not mean they are incapable of giving you the virus. (In May 2024 Fauci’s boss, Collins, disclosed there is not science to the distancing, see this revelation here).

More points to consider…

SOCIALLY, keep your contact with others to 3 or 4 people, no more, keeping in mind to sanitize your hands after touching anything as well as keep your hands off your face.

IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE GETTING A COLD OR COMING DOWN WITH SOMETHING, take all cautions as if you have any flu.

You should bounce back after a day or two. ALSO, isolate yourself as much as possible, taking extra care with your hands as well as what you touch.


However, there are exceptions: anyone with a compromised immune or health system is very vulnerable to this virus.

You will need to find another living arrangement of these people, if possible.
If not possible, a VERY strict isolation protocol and procedures need to be implemented immediately – for both the person with the compromised immune or health system as well as the person that maybe or is sick.


If you feeling aches, pains, but NOT shortness of breath, you do not need to go to the hospital.

Of those that get COVID-19, only 10% end up needing the hospital, and of that 10%, only 1-to-2% of them end up on a ventilator.

Overwhelming majority of people that end up being put on a ventilator will come off the ventilator 7 to 10 days afterwards.

TESTING – if your community is doing a lot of testing, the by all means have a test.
If not, then the test kits are in limited supply – do NOT get tested if you feeling aches and pains, DO get test if you are experiencing shortness of breath.

\\ end of video notes

More Suggestions

The following suggestions are provided on several web sites as well as from personal experiences – please note these are suggestions and do not carry any guarantees nor promises. They have, however, when carried out with due diligence and discernment, have provided very satisfactory results for most people. Do know your results could vary.

EVERY MORNING DO A QUICK CHECK ON YOUR RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – inhale and hold your breath for 10 seconds. If you end up coughing and/or in pain before that 10 seconds expires, your lungs may be filling with fibrosis from the virus OR you may have another infection in your lung that is building. Either way, get to the hospital soonest and explain what happened. If you didn’t end up coughing or in pain, you are fine. This test can catch the virus in its earliest stages and gives you a huge advantage in fighting it.

BE SURE TO SPRAY LYSOL OR A SOLUTION OF LSYOLFORM AT LEAST ONCE A DAY ON ALL SURFACES YOUR HANDS TOUCH (Lysolform solution: 500ml of water with 150 ml of Lysolform) – be sure you spray the following, look for other areas in your home that may need spraying other surfaces as well:

computer mouse
mobile computers
mobile phones
microwave oven door and panel (where you are touching anything),
refrigerator doors
freezer doors
all faucets and their handles
the entire toilet – be sure to include the handle or button for flushing the toilet if it is not part of the toilet unit
door knobs
light switches
shower / bath surfaces
EVERYTHING AND ANY THING METAL (the virus will live on metal for 12 or more hours)

AFTER USING YOUR TOWEL, DRY IT IN THE SUN FOR 20 MINUTES – be sure your used clothing is stored in a closed area or be sure to spray the outside of the hamper with Lysol or Lysolform; the virus can live on cloth for 6 to 12 hours.


  • you will need a sanitizer (Lysol, Lysolform) as well as a clean cloth

  • wash your hands with hand sanitizer, clean an area to receive the disinfected food goods with a sanitizer as well

  • keep the groceries in the bags on the floor, removing them one at a time to disinfect

  • anything packaged like cereals (which has an inner closed container), ditch the outer container and the inner container should be sufficiently clean – only wipe the inner container if the outer container has been compromised

  • all closed containers – spray the clean cloth and wipe the closed container on all 6 or more surfaces

  • open containers – spray the clean cloth and with the container then remove the product and if possible place it in the direct sun for 20 minutes. If not possible, and it can stand heat, use a hair dryer on its lowest setting. cover all surfaces with the heated air for a few minute (2 or 3 minutes is sufficient). If the product cannot be heated, warm water above 80 F will do the trick. The virus is killed quiet easily with heat.

  • fruits and vegetables – same as open containers, discern which method is best for what you have. If the product can be washed with warm water (above 80 F) then submerse them in water for 3 to 5 minutes.


  • use your own pen to sign for anything

  • if you need to use a card machine to enter your pin, santize your hands before and after – this way you won’t contaminate the machine and the machine won’t contaminate you

  • non-food packages and cool or cold food packages – spray it down with Lysol or Lysolform and let it sit for a while

  • hot food packages – most likely any virus would have been killed off, if unsure then spray the outside of the package with Lysol or Lysolform then wait. You can always reheat the food in the microwave

This is not, by far, a comprehensive listing of everything – be sure to add your suggestions and recommendations in the comments below.

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originally published in Decisiveliberty.News on 02-Apr-2020 [archive]

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