About That Epstein List...
Some pointers from TechnoFog when reviewing the just released Epstein list
A heads up on the upcoming "unsealing" of the names of the "John Does" from Ghislaine Maxwell's civil trial.
Typical of the media, there's been a lot of speculation and false hope about what will be revealed. Let's see if we can set the record straight.
For starters, not all of the "John Does" - not even a majority - are alleged to have been part of the Epstein trafficking network.
Many are not alleged to have done anything salacious, such as John Doe 118.
And many of the names have already been disclosed, either through media interviews (John Doe 003, John Doe 004, John Doe 008), testimony at Maxwell's criminal trial (John Doe 005), or because their deposition testimony has been released (John Doe 007).
Other names were previously revealed by the media (John Doe 022, John Doe 023, John Doe 110) or are known because they previously investigated Epstein (John Doe 117, John Doe 130).
Yet others were unknown to the parties (John Doe 137).
This doesn't mean that there won't be anything of interest. Some of the individuals to be unsealed are alleged to have "engaged in serious wrongdoing", such as John Doe 113 and John Doe 136.
I just want to temper expectations, as some are promising things that are not true.
Once the names are unsealed - which may take weeks or a couple months - we will be posting them in detail and explaining what they did and why they matter.
For reference, here's the the list of John Does…
Note: clicking the above button opens the document stored as a PDF in our online library…
via @techno_fog (TG)
This list can also be retrieved from the sidebar of our blog, just scroll about half-way down the sidebar to the “In Our Library” section…