Just visited this guy’s Twitter wall, we’ve been banned so we can only view his tweets.
He's a CJ from London and was able to spend a week in and around Kyiv - this tweet alone is FULL of videos contradicting all the war stories being pumped out by the MSM...
There is no way to archive this as the archive will point back to the video and not maintain a copy on the archive database (the limitations of free archiving.
Have visited his other tweets as well - you may want to block some time off and grab what videos you want.
Grab the tweet address by right-clicking on the video then use https://twdown.net to download the video(s)...
He's good at documenting - he has even provided images of the receipts of where he is staying as well as eating - that will kill any neigh-sayer about this all...
Given Big Tech's temperament, as soon as they find out what this guy has, it will be taken down - or some Neo-Nazi govt official will have Twitter do so...