4 Words Printed On Any Food Package Is Creating a Transformation
But not the transformation the manufacturers wanted - nor do you...
It doesn’t matter if the food manufacturers declare their food product as healthy, organic, gluten-free, or trans-fat-free - if these 4 words are printed on the package, put it back and move on.
If too many packages in the store you are in have these 4 words, find another store to patronize as they are more concerned about their bottom line and not your well-being…
What are the 4 words that should be raising red flags with you?
Contains Bioengineered Food Ingredient(s)
subscribers using gMail - this is a long post that Google may truncate,
be sure to click the headlines to view this post in its entirety.
This addition to retail food was permitted and ruled by the Agricultural Marketing Service (website) and they have been messing up since 2016.
PDF version - opens in our online library -
Be sure to read the Background of this ruling in the Supplementary Information section.
The above 2022 rule is an amended version of their previous 2016 rule, finalized in 2018, which you can find here…
PDF version - opens in our online library
What are Bioengineered Food Ingredients?
Straight from the Federal Registry rule they wrote…
BE {Bioengineered food} is a food that, subject to certain factors, conditions, and limitations, contains genetic material that has been modified through in vitro recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) [archive] techniques and for which the modification could not otherwise be obtained through conventional breeding or found in nature.
rDNA explained in 11 minutes via Khan Academy…
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Plain and simple, bioengineered food ingredients are NOT natural.
So how do producers get to call their product organic or healthy?
In Europe, they can’t, in the USA they can; they can in several other countries as well.
In other words, your government, even the food producers, are determining what is good or not for you - and both have been slacking on the accountability and responsibility front for so long they feel they can push the envelope until we push back.
Again from the rule found on the Federal Register…
As stated in the preamble to the 2018 BE final rule, at 83 FR 65852, the List establishes a presumption about what foods require disclosure under the Standard. However, a food or food ingredient's absence from the List does not absolve regulated entities from the requirement to disclose the BE status of food and food ingredients produced with foods not on the List when the regulated entities have actual knowledge that such foods or food ingredients are BE. If a regulated entity is using a food or ingredient produced from an item on the List, it must make a BE food disclosure unless it has records demonstrating that the food or ingredient it is using is not BE. Similarly, even if a food is not on the List, a regulated entity must make a BE food disclosure if it has actual knowledge that a food or a food ingredient being used is a BE food or a BE food ingredient. In accordance with 7 CFR 66.7(a)(5), this final rule updates the List.
An Educated Consumer Is the Healthiest and Wisest Consumer
And it is a life-long battle until you, the people, have had enough and force the government and the food producers to include the people in their decision-making process that affect our well-being.
Besides those four words, you need to know about the Latin words used for various insects being used for additives, a small listing follows…
Moving on, do you like the color of the food?
Be careful of these as well…
All these factors have people raising their eyebrows and raising their heads when they see others have gotten around the Agricultural and Medical Industrial Complexes, and are producing better and healthier results.
This is precisely why so many people, especially in Europe and the US, have decided to homestead, growing the food they need including milking and beef cows and many chickens, bartering or selling their surplus.
This is how we all used to live before the convenience of supermarkets, higher taxes, inflation, and all the ‘modern conveniences’ that have only enslaved most of us.
My mother was the first generation of my family not to have a homestead or a large farm - and we still have family members who have very sizable farms.
It has not taken very long for many to return to homesteading.
Having worked 17 years in the retail food industry, your safety bet is to purchase foods only along the walls of the supermarket - vegetables, produce, dairy, and freshly cut meats and fish.
What to Look for In Fresh Produce and Other Food Items
These are generalized, not detailed, recommendations - use your experiences and suggestions from friends to determine what you should do…
In the produce and fruit section, you still need to be careful though - if you see many or all of the vegetables and/or fruits with a slight dimple in them, examine them closer.
If it is very round, pass on them - they may have been injected with an unknown preservative to make the product ripen slower as well as less susceptible to insects.
Insects tend to leave an irregular shape as opposed to very round - after a while, you will discern the difference quickly.
How and with what the produce is grown is important as well - if we are not plucking something from our garden then we buy it from a farm we know we can trust; this takes time, and your best bet is to visit the weekend farmers’ markets and strike up a conversation with the farmers with the best looking and fresh produce.
Be sure to converse with the other buyers on how they qualify their purchases and find out who they trust the most as well.
It is also good to observe where the crowd is lingering the longest.
Any food items that have an ingredients list means they have more than just the prime vegetable or fruit - be sure to read the label entirely, twice if you have to.
Be Vigilant Around Packaged Meats
The first giveaway is detected by your eyes - color is off, and form is questionable at best.
Next is picking the package up in your hands - lab-grown meats cannot replicate the texture of real meats, you will need to learn the difference.
Extraordinary expiration date - fresh cut meats need to be sold within 3 days, which gives it another day or two in your fridge; anything longer than 2 or 3 days, question the butcher.
The freezer will provide another 6 to 9 months depending on the meat, how well it is prepared for freezing, and the quality of your freezer (chest freezers are better than uprights, way less frost) but the flavor tends to change a bit when meats have been frozen.
Where to Gain More Food Care Knowledge for Your Protection
If you haven’t joined any online groups that focus on preparedness, homesteading, lab-grown anything versus natural-grown anything then start looking and asking around.
These groups have become VERY Popular and most members are always willing to walk a newbie through the ropes.
If you already know of a few such groups, leave a link in the comments and a quick reference to their specialty.
Agriculture Isn’t The Only Sector Returning to Its Roots - Home Medicine is Booming
The same is happening with medicine and the medical profession.
During the last 60+ years, people sacrificed knowledge for convenience, which Big Pharma and the Rockefellers were behind its promotion.
Now more and more people are becoming aware of the scam they have been sold and are doing their research to revive homeopathy and alternative medical practices and protocols.
Big Pharma did expect this wave but not with the intensity that is now occurring.
Meanwhile, WHO demanded and is still demanding that they control what nations can and cannot do for health, all with no one being a true medical professional.
As a result, millions died unnecessarily, and many are still dying from myocarditis
Many millions more were injured and are developing injuries - and people are retaliating by learning what the grandparents and great-grandparents did, home remedies from recipes that have been around far longer than any Rockefeller or Big Pharma so-called remedy.
Where to Start on Learning Home Remedies
Converse with those who follow you as well as search on your social media platforms for those knowledgeable in preparedness, homeopathy, and holistic practices.
As with anything involving your health, research the advice you have been given, stay away from anything strong until you have learned more about it and its proper use - and always start small.
You will learn what works for you, and what doesn’t.
As with the petropharmaceuticals, not everything is a one-stop-shop.
Yes, we said, PETRO - they're dropping the 1st syllable doesn’t change what is the root of nearly all pharmaceuticals.
Before the 1920s, most doctors were using herbs, plants, ointments, and poultices to treat their patients - that changed when John D. Rockefeller, in a quest to recover his losses after the government split up Standard Oil. Rockefeller discovered he could make pharmaceuticals starting with oil (petro) and build the medications from there.
His colleague in evil Andrew Carnegie had an associate of his Rockefeller’s, Abraham Flexner, research the the medical education industry and determine how it could be married with Rockefeller’s petropharmaceuticals so both could create a profit from the medical profession.
As both the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations were funding many colleges, they offered the colleges additional funds for medical research - with a catch.
The Foundations were to determine what medical education would be taught and what would be used to treat patients.
Any college not adhering to its curriculum would not only lose all of its funding but all its credentials for teaching medicine - which meant Rockefeller’s drugs were to be prescribed and no one would learn anything about homeopathy, what is now called alternative medicine.
Abraham’s report was provided in 1910 to the Carnegie Foundation - creating the model of medical education and profession that is in practice today globally.
When COVID-19 first arrived, they already had the medicines ready and were preparing the vaccines (aka pre-planned event) which turned out to be very expensive.
Understanding now why the MSM and Social Media were so adamant against Ivermecton, which cost 1/150th (0.7%) of what their ‘preferred’ solutions were?
Keep It Natural and Simple
The globalists want to control everything we consume or need - they can only win if we abide by their wishes and not abide by what God has already provided us, we only need to seek the knowledge and His wisdom to use it all.
CORRECTION: Flexner was an associate of Rocefekker’s not Carnegie, a correction has been made to portray that proper relationship.